8. The Culmination of Idiocy

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Getting from the Hogsmeade station to Hogwarts Castle required sitting in a carriage with three other people. In a carriage that wasn't pulled by anything.

Drew and Wilby rode with Cyndee and Millicent.

The very moment Cyndee spotted the carts, she jerked to a stop and shrieked, staring in terror at something in front of it.

"What is it, freak?" Millicent asked, irked.

Cyndee blinked at her, then at the empty air, and then to the carriage. "Nothing..."

They piled inside, and Millicent pulled the door closed. Cyndee was peering up at the sky and out the windows from time to time, and Drew looked at her mildly concerned.

The ride was a bumpy one.

Once they'd all gotten off and arrived at the Great Hall, the river of students flooded into their seats.

She noticed that Harry and Ron were nowhere to be found. In their place were the strangest rumours. Something about a rabid salamander, a flying car, and a fluffy pink bathrobe.

On top of Harry Potter getting even more attention, Drew was angered to find out that Eliza and Isabell had become best friends. Not only that, but they were sitting not too far from her.

They giggled and smirked at various people in the Hall, with Isabell loudly calling the Sorting Hat a gnarly and dense old hat for everyone to hear.

Isabell was the reason Eliza got landed in the Hospital Wing, and they had had a huge argument when Eliza was changing rooms. How could they even become friends?

Drew scowled and clenched her fists until Wilby leaned over and told her Eliza looked like she had barf on the edge of her sleeve.

She had probably laughed a little too hard at that. Anyway, Eliza stared at her with half-rage and half-confusion, up until Drew pointed at her sleeve. That was when it turned into half-embarrassment and half-denial.

While Skull angrily hissed that the substance on her sleeve was definitely not puke but "something else," the Sorting Hat began its yearly song:

"You might call me a gnarly dense old hat
but my years of knowledge rebel against that

I'm centuries old and have yet to be wrong
so lend some trust to the thinking cap!

Welcome to those I saw just arrive
come learn how I pick the place you'll thrive

just put me on and I'll do the rest
I've only done this a hundred lives

Perhaps you'll be in Ravenclaw,
where wisdom's not a flaw

oh there'll never be a puzzle
their minds won't quickly solve

Enter Gryffindor if it's for you
and you're plucky through and through

no obstacle proves too frightening
for the house of fearless youths

Perhaps in Slytherin you'll find your own
those wily souls use crafty tones

with naught but desire to reach their goals
they're the best leaders the world will know

Or join quiet and patient Hufflepuff
the diamonds in the rough

be careful not to mess with one

they're loyal and they're tough

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