bonus - Deleted

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Last updated @ November 23rd, 2019

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This book began in 2016, and throughout the years I've deleted numerous scenes and even entire chapters from this book. Some were rewritten, and some I straight-up cut out.

Here are some of them for your interest and my organization :)

I put them in the order that they were in the story originally.



The original first chapter, first written on January 1st of 2016. The earliest draft had her call her classmate Logan's friend, but this version from November 2018 was revised to have her call Wilby instead, after I deleted Logan.

Drew got the letters after breakfast.

She tromped towards the rusty mailbox in her pyjamas, uncaring of what her neighbours thought. She reached into the metal box and pulled out some official-looking letters. One was addressed to her, and the other was for her twin sister, Dawnie.

"Thrilling," she muttered. She wondered if she was in some kind of legal trouble. By the looks of these envelopes and their wax seals, they meant business.

She examined the shiny green lettering on the front.

Miss D. Getaway

The Third Bedroom on the Right

"Oh geez," Drew grumbled, "someone's being a stalker." She gave the neighbourhood a sweeping laser-eye checkup. Nobody around, just a brown owl perched on the neighbour's mailbox, staring at her.

The envelope had no stamp, so it must have been delivered by hand. She looked around. Her two older brothers were out doing whatever, her mom was at work, and her twin sister Aurora was studying and being uninteresting.

Drew decided to open the letter first. The purple seal at the back had some kind of coat of arms stamped into it. A lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounding the letter H.

Wonder what that stands for, Drew dropped Ari's letter on top of the mailbox and cautiously peeled off the sticky seal.

She pulled out the letter.


The first word nearly made her laugh out loud. Okay, so this was a joke. She loved jokes.

Was it one of her friends?

No, they wouldn't have put so much effort into this. There were three letters in the envelope, with a long spiel of words that ended in an elegant signature. To her surprise, the paper wasn't...paper. It felt and looked like parchment. With the tip of her finger, she rubbed at the ink, and it smudged.

It was hand-written. With quill and ink.

Drew stared at the papers uncomprehendingly. What was the point of this? She ducked inside the house while opening Ari's letter. The two were exactly the same. She scanned the contents. It detailed a magical school in Scotland that she was invited to attend.

Wizards, broomsticks, potions...what in the name of god almighty was this?

No school in existence would dare take on a name like Hogwarts. The name itself made her cringe.

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