31. I'm Attacked By a Stick

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Even though the D.A. had already disbanded last week, the S.A. decided to continue their meetings. Dumbledore had taken all the blame for Harry's antics and fled the school, and they figured they needed to practice now more than ever.

"Why is Jack not here?" Drew scowled, tapping her foot impatiently. The S.A. members wondered to each other what the holdup was. "Morfinus is missing too."

Cyndee was humming and drawing gargoyles on the chalkboard. "If they're not here in five minutes, just lead the meeting yourself."

Drew took out a piece of parchment and tried to comprehend Jinx's scratches. Jinx knew how to read like the post owls did, but her writing skills were subpar. " 'Patronus'. I don't know much about Patronuses besides that they're used against Dementors."

Time ticked by. The other older students weren't here to help — they were busy with schoolwork. Wilby read a book, and Blaise wandered around the room. Just when ten minutes was almost up, Jack opened the door and came in.

"Jeffrey!" she exclaimed, crossing her arms.

He blinked and slowly pointed at himself like, Are you talking to me?

"Yes, obviously. Catch up." When the prefect came to join her at the front, she scolded, "Where were you? And where's your friend?"

"Ten minutes is hardly much," he defended himself. His voice sounded hoarse.

"Are you sick?" she asked, trying to sound nicer. "You can nip down to Madam Pomfrey if you'd like."

He cleared his throat. "No, I just haven't used my voice in a while. Let's get on with the lesson."

"Ten minutes is a lot," Drew disparaged. "I let you be the leader."

His face was the picture of exasperation. "Fine, I'm irresponsible and useless. Can we move on?"

She blinked, momentarily thrown. "That was unnecessarily harsh, but fine."

Efficiently, Jack got everyone assembled and explained what a Patronus was and how to cast it. "The thing is," he added, "it's advanced magic and I've never succeeded at it. So don't feel bad if you can't make a fully corporeal Patronus."

Drew patted him on the shoulder. "Have some faith, Jacob."

Wilby was staring at her, and he spotted her questioning look and winked, "I'm thinking of my happiest memory."

She blushed. "Great. Great great great."

Drew first used her memory of the Yule Ball, recalling how they'd figured out how to dance together, then talking by the fountain outside.

It truly was difficult. No matter how hard she thought or how loudly she said the incantation, the best she could muster was a wisp of silvery gas.

After a while, Wilby had managed to make a Jack Russel Terrier, and she stared in awe as it dashed around his feet twice before dissipating.

"It helps to be specific," he advised her, "and think about the emotions associated with the memory." It seemed like very pointed advice, considering her habit of pretending her feelings didn't exist.

"Alright," she said grudgingly, and raised her wand again. This time she focused on the glow of the fairy lights on Wilby's face as he smiled at her, the gleam of the bronze coin in her hand, and the hope and happiness fluttering in her heart.

She thrust out her wand. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

And a small shape burst out of her wand and bristled its quills. The porcupine disappeared in a few seconds, but she'd done it. Wilby clapped, and she beamed with pride.

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