4. Troll? Go to the Dungeons!

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Wizards didn't dress up for Halloween. Drew guessed it was because everyone was already in costume.

Anyway, she was really looking forward to was the fabled Halloween Feast.

Eliza walked beside her, and there was almost a skip in her step. She must've been excited too. Drew wondered if she might actually see her friend eat something that wasn't elegant, like a hamburger.

When they came through the tall doors, the Great Hall was full to bursting with decorations and food. Thousands of real bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling and swooped over the tables in low black clouds. The candles flickered, and once everyone had sat down, the feast appeared suddenly on the golden plates.

Drew eagerly picked up a steamed bun, Xiaolongbao, and had just bitten into it when Professor Quirrell came dashing into the hall. His turban was askew and his face was a mask of terror. He collapsed against the teacher's table, in front of the stunned Headmaster, and gasped, "Troll — in the dungeons — thought you ought to know."

He then sank to the floor in a dead faint.

There was an instant uproar of panic. Eliza grabbed Drew's arm. Malfoy was freaking out, and Goyle nearly knocked him over in his fright.

Professor Dumbledore shot several purple firecrackers into the air to bring silence. "Prefects!" he rumbled. "Lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately!"

Among the pandemonium, the teachers all scrambled out the door in search of the troll. Professor Sprout carried Quirrell out.

"Um," Drew said loudly above the noise, "our common room is in the dungeons?"

The Slytherin prefects were arguing with each other. Quentin seemed to want to go to Hufflepuff Basement, but others were suggesting Ravenclaw Tower.

The Head Boy shut everyone up, "QUIET! We're going to the Basement. Everyone follow me. Carolina, go talk to Gabriel."

The fifth-year prefect bounded away from Quentin and pushed through the crowd of rushing Gryffindors to the Hufflepuff prefect.

"Don't panic," an older girl soothed as they walked out of the Great Hall. "We'll be safe with the Hufflepuffs. Your pets and belongings will be fine."

Instantly Drew thought of Jinx. She hoped her cat was in Ravenclaw Tower, not prowling the dungeons.

Eliza was still clutching at Drew's arm, obviously afraid. She was too, but she put on a brave front so her friend wouldn't worry.

Drew elbowed their way to the front so she could see how to enter the Basement. Out of respect, the Slytherin prefects were looking away. The Head Boy tried to grab her, but she was persistent.

Gabriel Truman tapped a barrel twice, then faster three times. She realized it was in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff'.

The Badger House was distrustful of letting the Slytherins in, but they grudgingly did so. Ravenclaw would have let them stay more readily, but since reaching their Tower required going up the same stairs as the Gryffindors, Drew bet that the lions would start a fight and the whole school would burn down.

The lid of the barrel swung open, and they crawled into the passageway.

Emerging on the opposite side, Drew took in the cozy Basement. It was the exact opposite of the Slytherin dormitories. Warm light flitted through the windows along the upper wall, and plants in pots littered the room. The fireplace burned with warmth, and the sofas and chairs were made for comfort rather than style.

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