Questions By FatherMcKenzie

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1. John and Paul; from the small bits of interviews back then, people always wonder why both of you always seemed to be so engrossed with each other in front of the cameras. There's a tension between you two, you always have a brief eye contact, like people just disappear around when you look with each other. Is there something behind it? because you two are obnoxiously obvious.
John: Um... looks at Paul Paul? 
Paul: Ahem. Sure we occasionally glance at each other sometimes, but I don't recall any tension or anyone disappearing. John was practically blind without his glasses, I make sure he doesn't make a fool of himself. 
John: Gee, thanks for embarrassing me. You could've just said um, something, anything else.
Paul: It wouldn't be a problem if you weren't so stubborn and just wear them!
John: You know why I don't wear them, I look like an idiot.
Me: You don't look like an idiot, if anything you look smart.
John: ... Really?
Me: Really, really, I like the way you look with your glasses. So does lot of other people.
John: Mmm...

2. Lads, from the several years of feud Between the Lennon-McCartney duo, did you think Yoko contributed on the turbulent Beatles break up? Why is that?
Me: I personally don't think so, they've been together for eight years. If I was spending that much time and that long as they did I would want to break up too. I think Brian's death was the main thing here.
George: Exactly, having Paul trying to manage the band and having so many fans constantly in our faces, we got tired. We couldn't do it forever. We needed a change.
Paul: And Yoko certainly didn't help our situation. She brought her bed into the studio for God's sake!
John: Hey, don't question the artist!
Paul: Whatever... mutters under breath I'm more an artist than her...

3. John, many speculated; mostly fans, always wondered if your lovely wife ever did something far beyond on ending the greatest band ever, excuse my french but why did you marry such a woman?
John: Does there have to be a reason? Love isn't logical. She understands me, I love her, she loves me, end of story.

4. George and Richard, reading through the Let It Be sessions, it was mostly clear how you two hated being around John's wife at the moment, did you ever held some kind of animosity towards the lady? Because Paul hadn't liked her at the very beginning even.
George: shrugs She's alright, I don't like her but I don't exactly hate her either. I respect the fact that she is John's wife and they are happy together.
Ringo: Yeah, although I wish she would stop criticizing my drumming and my nose. 
Paul: And what makes you think I hate her? I absolutely adore her. I love the way how she bosses us around like she has any idea what's going on. Like she suddenly became a band expert. Sure, she's lovely.
John: Ease off the sarcasm, Macca.

5. Lennon - McCartney, back then from the early days, beatlemaniacs seem to push the McLennon shipping much even before and still until now, they faithfully believed that something lies right under the buried relation between you two, base on what books tell, telly says, and radios talk about. is there something happening far beyond the said deep friendship? because John, your wife said recently, you're a bisexual, it's not that hard concluding you had homosexual desires sleeping with the same gender. Did you ever thought of being with Paul on a different level aside being his friend
Paul: Ooh, this would be good! Great question, love.
John: You're not helping.
Paul: So? I just want to see what you say, go ahead. Did you ever thought of sleeping with me?
John: That is none of your business.
Paul: Well? Did you?
John: No, not once.
Paul: What about kissing? I wouldn't blame you, I would want to kiss me.
John: rolls eyes Don't flatter yourself, it was only once and it went as quickly as it came. clamps hand over his mouth, eyes widen
Paul: Was that a confession? Do my ears deceive me? 
John: hand is still over his mouth Mmph uhum gand puffm!
Paul: What was that?
John: moves hand Nothing. Next question!
Paul: But -
John: Shut up!

6. Jodie? Did you ever find Yoko fascinating at some point?
Me: Huh? Me? Oh, well yeah, she's a nice lady. She can be strong headed and bossy, but no one is perfect. She's alright.

7. Boys, did you already read 'Is McLennon Real?' by Peanut? what do you think about it? Its actually fun to explore and think about.
Paul: Can't say I have, maybe I should read it.
George: I have, it's really good. I love it.
Paul: ...
George: What?
Paul: You're kidding right? Are you serious?!
George: Maybe...
John: blinks Um, alright... uh... that's not weird at all.

8. George and Ringo, do you have any proof that Starrison DOESN'T exist? Or that was and will NEVER be true? Because John and Paul had nothing to deny about their romantic relationship.
George: Proof... proof... what proof is there Ringo?
Ringo: We both married twice, if I had feelings for George than I'll have one marriage and say something like, "my last marriage is all I need." And that way people wouldn't be suspicious. That is what I would've done if it was real.
George: Right, is that enough evidence for you?

9. Jodie, would you ever consider letting Yoko Ono come sit with us and have some cuppa? Be in the interview and talk about everything and anything? I'm sure it must be fun for the rest of us even if it's just going to be a one time thing.
Me: Ooh, I haven't thought about that. I could try, as I'm sure you guys have loads of questions for her... I could add her in easy enough.
John: Sweet!
Paul: Fan-bloody-tastic...
Me: What would be the best way to do it? How about if you have any questions you'd like to ask Yoko, post them below and if I like them and I have enough I could do a full chapter of questions for Yoko. (The Beatles will be there too, we wouldn't want Paulie to feel missed out, would we? ;) I see a lot of drama in the future.)

10. For the last time everyone, (I doubt) Is McLennon Real?
John: Nope, it's as real as... a flying pig? 
Paul: That's a weird way to say it, but yes, not real.
George: wriggles eyebrows For now.
John: Takes a deep breathe Jodie? Are we done here?
Me: Oh, right, well that's the end of today's chapter. That was different, wasn't it? Comment below if you have any questions for the lads and of course, Yoko, so I can do a special chapter. And please, don't hassle her.
John: Or you will have me to deal with.
Me: Uh, yeah, play nice. See you cats later, Bye!

(Update! I really like the idea of Yoko making an appearance and I have a feeling you guys might agree. All you have to do is comment your question (or questions) and I'll collect them all and put them in one special chapter. I'll mention your name to your question(s) so we know who asked what. I won't make it till at least a week or so, so think hard. I'll post it as soon as I have enough questions for a decent chapter. Don't be afraid to tell me what you think of this idea, and as I'm here I'd like to thank you for everything. I couldn't have done this without you! Have a splendid day, and as always, see you cats later! Bye!)

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