Questions By MoveslikeMcCartney

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1. First, Do you like wearing suits?
John: It's alright, I prefer my leather jacket but Brian said we would get this much money if we do wear it, so I was more than happy to wear our suits. I'll wear anything if I get paid for it, well, mostly anything.
Paul: Brian was right about the suits, it was a better look than leather jackets. It's fine in Liverpool, but anywhere else? Not at all.
George: It was okay, clothes are clothes. It got us more gigs and people love it so it was great and worth it.
Ringo: Right, we don't regret changing it or anything like that.

2. Why did Jane Asher broke up with you Paul?
Paul: I think inevitably when I moved to Cavendish Avenue, I realised that she and I weren't really going to be the thing we'd always thought we might be. We occasionally talked about getting married, and we made plans but I don't know, something made me nervous about the whole thing. It just never settled with me, and as that's very important to me, things must feel comfortable, I think it's a pretty good gauge if you're lucky enough. But if they do feel comfortable then there's something very special about that feeling. I just hadn't quite managed to be able to get it with Jane. I imagine if I wasn't famous, we might still be together.

3 Who's wearing lipstick here?
Me: Not me, I don't like make up. Nail polish is the only thing I don't mind, as long as they look pretty.
George: The only lipstick I get is from Ribena.
Paul: I bet you think I do, but I don't. Never have, never will.
John: Yes you have, remember that sleepover we had a few years ago?
Paul: That doesn't count, you did it when I was sleeping!
John: Oh come on! I thought it suited you.
Paul: I still can't believe you did that to me. I will get my revenge, one day.
John: Yeah right, you can't prank for toffee.
Paul: We'll see... we'll see... I will make you cry, just you wait.

4. Long hair or Short hair?
John: Long hair, or maybe shoulder length get the best of both worlds.
Paul: On me, short hair. On a girl, I don't care, whatever makes her happy.
George: Long hair is nicer, although I've seen some girls who look great with short hair.
Ringo: Long hair I guess.

5. Pick the songs I chose: Paperback Writer, Anna (Go to Him), or Please Mr. Postman? Which one of the songs do you like best?
Me: Ooh, tricky... Paperback Writer, although I love Please Mr Postman too.
John: Paperback Writer. Mainly because I like writing, actually two of my amazing books are for sale. winks Hint hint.
George: Can he do that?
Me: shrugs Too late to do anything now. Just let him be.
Paul: I like Anna the best.
George: Please Mr Postman, just because.
Ringo: Paperback Writer is very catchy and good.
Me: Anyway, that's the end of today's chapter! Vote if you liked it and I'll see you cats later! Bye!

(An annoucement from Jodie: Hey, guys, Jodie here! Unfortunately I have some bad news, due to technical difficulties I won't be able to do all of your amazing questions as often as I'd like. Which is perfect timing as I just got a bunch of questions. So if you are waiting for me to answer your questions, I'm really sorry, but you'll have to be patient and wait. Now you might've noticed how I'm not dedicated anyone anymore, that's because on the device I am using, it doesn't show up. I'm trying to buy a laptop which will solve all of these problems. That's all for now, you will survive without my lame interview anyway. Bye!)

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