Questions By MissMaccaSunshine

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1) What would you do if you were the one survivor in a plane crash?
Me: I'm quite paranoid and try to be prepared for everything, but first thing I'll do is check and make sure I'm the only surviver, if no one else survived I'll just set up camp and go looking for food.
John: Go and get help. There isn't much to it, just don't hang around cos it will eventually explode.
Paul: Honestly I'll probably be the first person to die, I'll be that idiot who runs out of the crash site on fire screaming.
George: I don't know, I suppose I'll just try and heal my injuries and burns, it depends.
Ringo: Is curling up in a ball and crying an option? No? Then I'll just look for help, or um... I have no idea, I'm dead, I'm boned.

2) What's your favorite 80's jam? (And no, not the strawberry kind of jam, John, you cheeky baggage.)
John: I wasn't going to say that.
Me: Oh really?
John: Yeah, okay it came to me but I wasn't going to say it. I like the B-52s Loveshack, they're pretty cool.
Paul: Michael Jackson makes good music, and he's a terrific guy. So one of his hits.
George: Anything but Abba, any Indian song and most other songs but not Abba.

3) If you woke up and had 2,000 unread emails and could only answer 300 of them how would you choose which ones to answer?
Me: Easy, I'll read all the emails that aren't spam. Cos that's the only way I'll get any emails. Never gonna happen. One of the few advantages of being a poor, lonely girl who nobody cares about.
John: I would read all the emails that aren't from Paul or Brian. Brian will nag about stuff and Paul sends me cat videos day and night.
Paul: But I thought you love cats.
John: Doesn't mean I want to see every cat video on the internet. Just one a day or something is enough.
Paul: Whatever, as for me I would read the emails that look important. So if it's from Brian or something I'll answer those.
George: I don't answer my emails anyway, let alone 300.
Ringo: It's true, his inbox is a mess.

4) Who would win in a fight between George and Paul?
George: Hmm, that's hard to say...
Paul: We're both equal at that I think, although if it's an argument, or a dance fight, I'll win.
George: I think I'll have more of a chance.
John: Really? You are made out of skin and bones.
Ringo: George might have a chance, although Paul doesn't look like it, but he's pretty tough if he wants to be.
Paul: smug face

5) What did you have for breakfast?
Me: Cornflakes, but I have Weetbix every second day now.
John: pretends to gag Weetbix?! You dirty traitor!
Paul: Shut up, it's healthy, it's good she doesn't have cornflakes every single day. It's variety.
John: But it's so good!
Paul: It really isn't, it's just cereal, it's good but not that good.
John: Better than what you have, what was your stupid breakfast, Paulie?
Paul: I had Special K, it was very nice thank you very much.
George: I had scrambled eggs, it was a nice treat!
Ringo: I had Special K too, although I usually have toast.

6) Would you rather be super sexy or super popular?
John: I'm already super popular, so super sexy!
Paul: Logically I would choose to be super sexy, then I will become popular. Thats the gist of today's society.
George: I would prefer to be popular if I can keep looking like this.
Ringo: Popular, it would be great to have a group of friends following you around.

7) Describe the color yellow to somebody who's blind.
Me: I don't know, it's a lighter shade of orange and it's bright. How DO you describe a colour?
John: I have no clue, luckily my eyes aren't that bad.
Paul: Easy, I would ask them if they have sat near a fire on a cold day. How did they feel? Did they feel warm? Did they feel happy? I would say then that for most people, the color yellow is that feeling one has when near a fire on a cold night.
George: Yellow is a warm, soft color, like a baby chick, or the warmth of sunlight in springtime streaming through a window warming up a patch on the carpet. Wow, that's poetic.
Paul: pulls out a notebook and scribbles furiously in it
Ringo: Yellow is yellow. shrugs Luckily I don't know anyone whose colorblind, cos I'd describe things horribly.

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