Questions By LongLiveTheBeatles

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1. Blondes or brunettes?
John: Blondes, I don't know why.
Paul: I'll go with blondes. It's a nice colour.
George: I don't know, brunnete?
Ringo: Brunette, I like dark hair.

2. George, do you really eat as much as they say? You're so skinny!
George: Not really, I love food as the next person, I just get hungry when I'm out so people see me eating a lot. They're not completely wrong, but I'm no pig. I have control.

3. Ringo, do you ever wish you'd gone back to school?
Ringo: Yeah, I do sometimes. But there isn't anything I can do about it. I'm just glad I manage to learn everything I can when I could.

4. John, Buddy Holly or Elvis? Can you impersonate one of them?
John: Oh, man, that's hard. Um... Elvis I suppose, and I got the wrong hairstyle now but I can do Elvis's dance moves. jumps up and moves his legs like Elvis, wriggling his pinkie

5. John, are you actually a terrible cook?
John: Um... well I wouldn't say I'm terrible, although I'm no Gordon Ramsay. I can handle most meals.
George: He's not too bad, he sometimes burns stuff by accident. As long he has someone helping its pretty good.
John: I can bake cakes and bread. Simple stuff.

6. Who's the worst driver?
Paul: I don't know, I crashed the car once. Although it's probably John.
John: Yeah, I'm not a great driver. Not at all. You wouldn't want to be in a car that's driven by me. There's a reason why I was the last to get my liscense.

7. What are you going to name your kids someday?
Me: I'm not sure, there are many cool names. Shame I can't use them all. Julian is nice, Amelia is nice, Cynthia is also nice.
Paul: I like Mary, maybe James or Daniel. Oh and maybe Michelle.
John: Hmm... Julian, or Julia if I have a daughter.
George: Mmm, there are some cool Indian names. Marwa, stuff like that.
Ringo: I don't know, maybe something like Jack, Britney? Steven? I'll figure something out.

8. Waffles or pancakes?
Me: I love love love pancakes!
John: Pancakes, they're the best!
George: They're both equally tasty. But pancakes are better!
Ringo: Waffles, I like the way the syrup fills the squares.
Paul: Pancakes, I love having blueberries or bananas on them, so tasty.
George: Can we finish with all these food questions? stomach growls I'm getting hungry for some pancakes.

9. What do you think of all the slash fanfics about you online?
John: They are a real hoot, so funny. You Fan-girls have disturbing imaginations. I love it!
Paul: I only read what John shows me, I don't know why he thinks they're so funny. sarcastic laugh We're doing it, oh haha.
George: I like them, you guys are very talented writers. I'm very impressed!
Ringo: I don't like the smut ones, but I enjoy the fluff, sweet and funny ones.

10. I think Jodie is awesome. What do you like about her?
Me: Aw, thanks! You're awesome too Beatle-buddy!
John: I love her personality, she's hilarious! She is a great help and she always has my back. ruffles my hair
Me: smooths my hair back Thanks, partner. fist bumps him
Paul: She's alright, a bit of a pain in the arse sometimes but she means well, but she's very helpful in a lot of ways.
George: Well, she is super fun to be around and she isn't like most girls. Also she cleans and cooks for us which is awesome! Her pancakes are da BOMB!
Ringo: I like how supportive she can be, all she cares about is us being happy. She isn't big headed. Always there to lend her ears.
George: And I really, really like your pancakes. Hint hint wink wink?
Me: rolls eyes I'll make you pancakes straight after this, I promise. Happy?
George: Yup! Thank you!

11. Do any of you tap dance?
Paul: A bit, I can't go too fast but I'm quite good if I say so myself.
John: Of course you can tap dance. I bet you can do the Tango too and Jazz.
Paul: No, don't be stupid, I know Jazz but I can't Tango.

12. Paul, can you sing "Practically Perfect"? (Sorry, I had to ;)
Paul: Mary Poppins returns, oh well. Might as well!
I'm practically perfect in every way, Practically perfect, so people say. Each virtue virtually knows no bounds, Each trait is great and patently sound. I'm practically perfect from head to toe, If I had a fault it would never dare to show. I'm so practically perfect in every way. Both prim and proper and never too stern, Well educated yet willing to learn. I'm clean and honest my manner refined, And I wear shoes of the sensible kind. I suffer no nonsense and whilst I remain, There is nothing else I feel I need explain.
John: Not temperamental?
Paul: Never.
Me: Not grouchy or gruff?
Paul: The very thought!
John: Will you stay tender when the going gets tough?
Paul: Quite the contrary.
Ringo: Do you read stories without a big fuss?
Paul: Mmhmm.
John: Or have objections to be playing with us?
Paul: Oh I like games, but I choose them.

13. Can you describe each other in five words or less?
John: As the song says, Paul's practically perfect in every way. Ringo is a lovable clown and George is, George. I don't know how to explain him.
Paul: John is an comedic oaf. Ringo's a great, caring friend. George is annoying but helpful and entertaining.
Ringo: Paul is a leader, smart and talented. John is also talented, with a great amount of wit and sarcasm. George is sneaky, likes to tease and... fantastic.
George: John is a crack up, and very smart. Paul is a sassy drama queen. Ringo is a sweet, funny and caring guy.

14. What's your favorite place that you've visited? Why?
Me: I actually haven't been anywhere, I've been to Palmerston North twice but that's it. I like it, I can see why my Grandmother moved there to live with her sister. Although I doubt I'll be going there ever again...
John: New York, it was incredible. So energetic! The buzz!
Paul: France was amazing, it was so interesting and pretty at night.
Ringo: I like the Bahamas, it was so warm and they have spectacular beaches there!
George: India, it's way different from all the other places I've been. I love the culture!

15. I know this isn't actually a question, but *hugs all of you, including Jodie* You are awesome! Love ya! <3
John: We started a hugging trend, thanks love, you are awesome too.
Me: Very awesome! And thanks for all the kind things you said, it means a lot. That's the end of today's chapter! Comment and vote below and have a splendid day! I got to go and make some pancakes now. And as always, see you cats later! Bye!

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