Question By MissMaccaSunshine

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1) If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be and why?
John: Probably Yesterday, prove I can sing it better than Paul. But seriously I'd do Hound Dog or something like that, show them some proper music. Elvis forever!
Paul: Ha, you wish! I could sing any song and win. Even with songs like Anaconda and Friday.
George: Any song that has a sitar in it, bet they wouldn't expect that!
Ringo: No idea, probably Boys or something.

2) Would you rather have boobs for feet or screaming nipples? (I think only Jodie would get the reference)
Me: Oh, Gawd, um... well can I shut my nipples up? Do they scream constantly? I really don't want boobs for feet.
John: Same, how are you meant to walk properly? Won't they be... all squishy and wobbly?
Paul: They both will suck, I suppose having boobs as feet will be difficult but at least they won't be annoying. I'd get annoyed if I had screaming nipples.
George: Screaming nipples? Boobs for feet? Ah, good ol Dan and Phil. I'll go with... screaming nipples. He might learn to talk or something.
Ringo: How am I meant to drum with boobs for feet? I need to hit the bass drum with my bass pedal. Screaming nipples please. pauses Never thought I'll say that...

3) Do you believe in Bigfoot?
Ringo: Either he's real or there is a hairy man out there for some reason. They're both just as unusual, but him being real would be way cooler.
John: I think he could be real, although I wouldn't be surprised if it's a man in a costume, if so I like him. Great sense of humour.
Paul: Of course not, there isn't a man-like gorilla walking in the forest that somehow hasn't been caught yet. Surely he couldn't have avoided everyone for so long.
Me: He has a magical secret hideout, duh! To enter you walk through a rock or something like that.
George: I strongly believe he's a very hairy man and he we should respect his life choices and leave him alone.

4) If you could be any kind of cereal, what would you be and why?
Me: Cornflakes, because I'll be yellow, crunchy, yummy and made out of corn! And they're awesome.
John: Same, because um, because of what she said.
Paul: Special K, because why not?
George: Cocopuffs, because chocolate, duh.
Ringo: Hmm, fruit loops. They're colourful and cheerful, like me!

5) Why is a tennis ball furry/fuzzy/whatever it is?
Me: I don't actually know, I've been meaning to find out.
Ringo: To make it feel nice and soft?
Paul: It wanted to stand out, be different from all the other balls.
John: I think it's something to do to make it faster, but I forgot, give me a minute. Jodie! Give me your phone.
Me: No, it's mine! You don't know where it is anyway.
John: Oh really? suddenly whips out my phone You are the one who doesn't know where it is! I'll only be a minute.
Me: What? How did you do that?!
John: A magician never reveals his secrets, now shush, I'm working. types madly on it

A few seconds later...

John: Aha! I was right! I love this Google website. It says here that it impacts the aerodynamics, slowing down the spin and velocity of the ball. And brand new tennis balls - with more fuzz, move faster than older and worn tennis.
Paul: Huh... interesting.

6) If you were a professional wrestler, what would your name be?
John: What? That's random. Um... The Fiendish Fiend? Captain Cornflake? Walrus-man?
Paul: The Musician, I don't know, I'll pay someone.
George: The Scouser Scoffer, he'll eat you for breakfast!
Ringo: thinks for a minute
John: The Great Neb?
Ringo: Shut up! I'm thinking, Spectacular Starr... or um... I got nothing.

7) Talk in Spanish!
Me: El amor es como el WI-FI, a medida que te alejas, pierde intensidad. (Meaning) -Love is just like Wi-Fi, as you go further away, it loses its intensity.
Paul: Si! Tienes los ojos mas bonitos del mundo. - You have the prettiest eyes in the world.
Ringo: Hola, ¿qué tal? Gracias a Dios por Dora - Hello, how are you? Thank God for Dora.
John: ¿tiene alguna cereales - Do you have any cornflakes?
George: Um... hola, ¿Que debo decir - Hi, what should I say?

8) Have you ever been on a boat?
Me: I've been fortunate enough to go on a ferry twice, it was amazing!
Ringo: We've all been on boats loads of times! Back in our Hamburg days and nowadays.
Paul: They're fun when you don't think about the deep, deep ocean of nothingness and death beneath you. Other than that it's great.

9) Have you ever drawn cat whiskers on your face? If not, would you?
Me: No, we don't have any sharpies in our house. Only whiteboard Markers. I will sometime though.
John: I have actually, it was fun!
Paul: Once, when I had to dress up like a cat for a photo shoot.
George: All the time, it's amazing.
Ringo: I tried it, although I got too high on sharpie fumes. I saw monkeys on the walls and I thought George was a hat-rack. I don't think I'll do it again.

10) John and Paul, where do babies come from?
John: clears throat
Paul: Why us? Ask Jodie.
Me: Nononononono! She asked you two, I'm staying out of this one.
Paul: B - but... aren't there kids reading this?
Me: shrugs Maybe, maybe not.
George: They're going to find out sooner or later, might as well be from you two.
Paul: Uh, well, babies come from their mothers.
George: Details!
Me: Don't talk! You'll ruin it. draws cat whiskers on him
Paul: Um... they get a baby when they have a special kiss. Which happens when they kiss a thousand times.
John: What? No! That's not it at all!
Paul: hisses Shut up, I know! You don't actually think I'll say -
John: cuts him off Babies comes when the father and -
Paul: That's the end of today's chapter! Comment and vote below if you have any questions!
George: Wait, already? Isn't Jodie meant to say that?
Paul: Have a splendid day, and as always, see you cats later! Bye!
Me: Hey! That's my line! Paul, what do you think you're doing? She already knows how it works, don't get so worked up about it.
Paul: Still, you can't just say things like that on the internet!
John: Fine, we won't say it. to me I'm sure we can find a video we can post up above.
Paul: No! That's worst!
Me: He's joking, Paul. Calm down. Fine, we won't say anything or show anything. looks directly at the camera Its Paul's fault! He did it, blame him!
Paul: Oh, gee, thanks.
John: I doubt any of you don't know how it happens anyway, this is the internet after all. Its a weird, magical place.

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