Chapter 2 - Photo

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"Jae-ah. Wake up, we are here." Mom gently patted my right arm.

I opened my eyes with my blurry vision and glanced at the huge house infront of the car-way. Is this my house? I opened the car door and stood infront of the house.

"Come on." She grabbed my right hand and pulled me into the house. I felt something, like deja-vu. What I meant was like, I have been through this scene before. Argh, nevermind. I'm too tired to recall it.

"Welcome, this our house. It's a little small but this is just what I can afford." She said as we entered the living room.

Are you kidding me? This house is so spacious! It's like the size of a football field. I was amazed by the elegant furniture design.

"D-do you like it?" She asked and switched the lights.

"Like it? I love it! It's beautiful." I said eagerly and started to roam around the living room.

She smiled as she saw my cheerful expression. "Let's go and see your bedroom, it's upstairs."

She led me to my room and opened the door for me. Once I stepped in, I smiled widely. Wow. It's tremendous.

I sat at the edge of the bed and turned to her, still with a smile over my face. She looked happy. She must be really worried when I'm in coma. I glanced around the room.

My eyes suddenly caught a photo frame which stood nicely on the nightstand and there is a picture of me and a boy doing a heart. I picked it up. We looked close, so close and it was like I'm the happiest girl ever. Who is he? My head ached again. I pinched my head slowly.

"Jae-ah? Wae? Are you okay?" asked Mom, worriedly.

I nodded before I showed her the photo frame and pointed at the boy.

"Who is he?" I asked. Her eyes widened to the the photo frame as if it was her first time seeing it.

"H-he is nobody. He is not important." She snatched the photo frame from me and quickly threw it into the dustbin.

I was startled with her sudden action but didn't do anything to stop her. Why did she threw that photo frame? Maybe she doesn't like the boy I'm with in the photo. I should stay away from him, if I meet him, someday.

Then, she gave me a faint smile, "Now, go wash yourself. We'll have our dinner at 7."ordered her and passed me my towel.

I nodded and walked to my bathroom.


We're having spicy rice cakes and seaweed soup for dinner. It was a delicious meal but the house seemed quiet, too quiet.

"Urm.. Mom." I called.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Do I have any siblings? Or am I the only child in this family?"

She smiled and nodded. "No. You have a brother who is now studying in UK. He is three years older than you. He will visit us and come home four times a year. The last time was just before your.. accident." said Mom.

I gave her a faint smile. So, I have a brother but no memories or anything about him.
"So, where is Dad? I haven't seen him since I woke up. Where is he? Is he working" I asked.

She flinched and dropped her chopsticks. Her face instantly turned sad as she looked down. I bit my bottom lip. Did I say something wrong? Ahh.. What should I do?

"Your dad died.. 3 months ago. A day after your accident."

As if my body was chained, I froze on my seat. "Oh."

"H-he was so shocked to hear about you that it gave him a heart attack. We tried to get him back but it was too late." said Mom and tears falling down her cheeks.

I- I don't know how to react. Dad died because of me? Wow. I'm a awful daughter, I'm a horrible daughter.

She wiped her tears and put her hand gently on mine. "But you don't have to be guilty. That's his fate and our fate to live without a father and a husband. Don't ever blame yourself for what happened to your Dad." said Mom and gave me a faint smile.

She stroked my head gently and gave a assuring smile. She is my mom. I could remember her touches and her naemsae.(smell.)

"Okay, now finish your food and eat your medicine. Then, go to bed. You have to sleep early today." ordered Mom.

I pouted and whinned, "Huh?! Wae~ I have slept for 3 months straight. Why do I have to sleep early, again?" -and I spontaneously yawned. Whuut?

We both laughed. Silly me.



Helloo. I've never thought abt making a English short fanfic but my mom (a eng teacher) asked me to make it.

Atleast one, so this is it! Hope you like it and do vote and comment. Thanks and I'm super sorry that I forgot to warn you abt my grammar errors ㅠㅠ *bows

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