Chapter 26 - Leaving me?

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I stared at her angelic pale face as she was being examine by the doctor and so do Hyuk hyung. Mrs Kim was home as soon as she heard about Cheon Jae and now, she's downstairs making porridge for her. She must be really worried.

The doctor turned to us after he packed his stuffs, "She's gonna be okay. Her blood pressure dropped and make sure she eat her pills on time. I think she just skipped."

We both heaved a sigh of relief. Hyung thanked the doctor and I bowed to him before he left the room. I sat on the chair beside the bed and stroked her soft almond hair.

"She's so stubborn. I've told her to eat her medicine.. but she didn't listen."said Hyuk hyung and sighed. I smirked and patted his shoulder.

Hyung tapped my shoulder, "I'm going downstairs, wanna come?"

I shook my head. I want to look after her until she open her eyes. Hyung nodded, raised his shoulder like, 'suit yourself' and walked downstairs.

I turned back to Cheon Jae and grabbed her hand with the ring and kissed it softly. Wake up.. I miss you already. A tear fell down my cheek without knowing, onto her hand.

Mianhae Cheon Jae-ah.. I'm so sorry I can't protect you from being hurt. I wish that I'm the one in pain, not you. I started to sob softly.

I pulled out a letter from my pocket and stared it for a long time before I sighed. I threw it on the floor and leaned to her before planting a kiss on her forehead.

I heart you, please wake up jagiya. I stroked her hair as I rested my head beside her arm and slowly drifted to sleep.


Kim Cheon Jae

I woke up with a heavy head and groaned slowly. I glanced around. White drawer, pink wallpaper and paintings on the wall. How did I get my room?
I noticed a boy sleeping peacefully beside my bed. I peeked to see his face.. Yoongi!

I patted his arm gently to wake him up. He moaned softly and flinched as he saw me. I chuckled and he pulled me into his arms, suddenly sobbing softly on my neck.

"Why are you crying?" I wrapped my arms around him and patted his back.
"Mianhae mianhae."muttered Yoongi.

I'm confused. "Hey what are you talking about? Its not your fault, I fain--"

He shook his head and cut me off. "If only I was you. I'm sorry I can't help you from being hurt.. I'm really sorry."

I patted his back and broke the hug, "It's okay. I'm fine now, see?"I gestured my whole body and he chuckled. There's my Yoongi.

"Plus, I've got something to tell you."I said and he stared at me, confused.

"Remember that time when you brought me to a candle light dinner at your house and you made me cupcakes?" I asked. Well, that was a long time ago.

He furrowed his eyebrows and nodded, "Yeah, why? Wait.. that was-"

"Yup. I'm sorry, I lied. Your cupcake was a little bit.. erm.. salty and the eggs were le--"

His eyes widened and he instantly pinched my mouth to stop complaining. He stared into my eyes, "Jagiya, have you recall your memories?" He asked.

I smiled and I nodded. "Yup." His eyes widened and smiled widely. He released my lips and pulled his chair closer to the bed.

"W-when? Oh my.. It's a miracle."said Yoongi anxiously. He pecked my cheek and pulled me into his arms.

I chuckled. "It just happen at the park and while I was unconscious, my memories started to install. It hurts a lot but I'm okay now and my head felt a lot heavier." I said and he chuckled on my neck.

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