Chapter 8 - The Journey

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Kim Cheon Jae

Jimin have been driving beside me for 2 hours straight non-stop without stopping by anywhere. That's crazy. Is he a robot?

"We're here." said Jimin. He smiled and turned to me. I returned his smile and looked out the window around the city. It's beautiful.

"So, where are we going to now?" asked Jimin.

"Urm.. first, we are going to my old school, Daegu Art School. Let me help you with the GPS." I searched for Daegu Art School and the GPS starting to make the way.

"Here." I put the GPS back on it's stand.
"Okay. Lets get your memories back!" said Jimin eagerly as sped up.

I chuckled. Why is he so excited to get my memories back? Isn't I'm the one who is suppose to be excited? Wait, I'm not excited.. I'm scared. What if my memories hurt me? or what if I can't recall my memories back? I'm scared, help me, Yoongi..?


I walked out with Ji Min from the school's office after we got our permission pass.
We walked into the school's hallway.

"Your school is so beautiful, why did you even move out?" asked Ji Min while admiring the school's structure.

I admit, this school is beautiful and clean. It doesn't looked old at all. Geez, I shouldn't have thought low.

I gazed at the lockers to find my old locker. My eyes stopped at a locker I regonized and walked towards it.

Suddenly, my head ached. Urgh.. it hurts more this time. I pinched my temples as usual and I saw a handwriting on my locker. I think it was written with a permanent marker.


Who wrote this?

"Hi, do you need somet-- Oh my goodness, Cheon Jae?? Is that you?" said someone behind me and quickly I turned around. I've heard her voice somewhere. Im Hani?

As soon she regonized my face, she cringed. "It is you! I missed you so much!"She pulled me in her arms.

I'm in dilemma either to hug her back or not. So, I just wrapped my arms around her. Warm as usual.

She broke the hug between us. "So, how have you been? Wait, I heard you moved to Busan and get into Busan Art School. Wae?"asked Hani.

Why do all my close friends are so 'Talk Out Loud'? But I kinda like it.

"Urm.. I don't know." I replied and scratched my nape.

"What do you mean you don't know? And what's with your hair? Since when do you like long hair, huh?"

She pulled my long almond hair. I don't know anything about 'I don't like long hair' me.

"Hani.. Don't freak out okay? Just don't. I-I'm amnesia like, right now. I don't remember anything about you or everything, okay?"

She froze before burst into laughter. "What do you mean? Haha, don't mess wit--"

"She is amnesia." said someone. I turned, thank god it's Jimin. Perfect timing though.

She stopped laughing, turned to JiMin while furrowing her eyebrows.

"What? W-who are you?"asked Hani.She grabbed my hand and pulled me beside her.

"I'm Cheon Jae's friend. Park Jimin ibnida. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself.

"Urm.. nice to meet you too. Err.. Jae, so is it true?" asked Hani.

I smiled and nodded. "Shh.. lets go to a café. I'll tell you all about it."


Hani brought us to the cafe' near the school. After we ordered our drinks, I told her everyhting since the day I had the accident and Dad.

Her tears started to shed as soon as I told her about it. "I'm sorry Jae-ah , I-I didn't know. In fact, nobody knows about what happened to you." said Hani.

Jimin handed me and Hani a tissue. She took it and wiped off her tears. I took it and wiped his tears on his cheeks. He gave me a sheepish smile. He's the one who needed a tissue, not me.

"So, what can I help you Jae-ah?" asked Hani.

I smiled. "Can you please tell me, how am I before? I mean the old me?"

She nodded. "Hm.. Where should I start? Ah.. okay. Before, you were a nerd. An artistic headed nerd. You wore a really thick spec. We became friends when you showed me how to play Au Chair de la Lune on the piano. You liked to eat pizza but you never get fat because you always jogged every Saturday at Buk-gu park. You hated coffee because you said it smelled horrible. And last year you had a crush on Min Yoon Gi the school's basketball player." said Hani. She wiped her tears.

My head suddenly started to ache and hurts more than before. I instantly massaged my temple. "Are you okay, CJ?"asked Jimin.

I nodded and placed my hand on Hani's. "Keep going. I'm okay."

"After he told you his feelings towards you. You dated. I saw it your eyes, you guys really loved each other and was a really sweet couple. But, one day Yoongi moved out to Busan because his Appa got a job promotion.. you cried, a lot and all day. But, he promised to keep in touch you with letters and Skype. You're happy again and one day, you--" She stopped.

"Yoongi??"exclaimed Hani. Her eyes was looking at something behind me.

What?? I turned to Ji Min, his eyes were at the boy who's walking towards us. I turned back.. froze. Min freaking Yoongi was walking towards me. He's face was mad. Really mad. But, how did he get here? How did he knows that I'm here?

He grabbed my hand pulled me out of the café. Hani and Jimin called for us, but he just kept walking. I glancer to his red-ish face as we walked out of the café.

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