Chapter 10 - Hello

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Min Yoon Gi

"What is it you wanted to say?" I asked her.

She smiled. "I missed you. Why didn't you answer my call last night, huh?" She tried to hold my hand but I pushed her away.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "What's wrong with you? Since that girl Cheon Jae came, you changed. You liked that girl don't you?"

"Yes. I like her, infact I'm in love with her and you knew I wasn't really into you because of her. So, between us, it's over." I said coldly and turned away.

She scoffed before she hugged me from the back, sobbing. "Please don't leave me. I love you, Yoon Gi."

I pushed her hands off my waist and turned to her.

"Too bad. I don't love you. Infact, I don't love you at all." I showed her my famous motionless face.

She grunted and bit her bottom lip. "You're gonna regret that." She took out her phone and dialed someone.

"Hey, that thing I told you about? Yeah,It's a go." She hung up.

"What was that?"I asked.

She smirked and scrunched her nose. "Oh, I'm just returning the favour. You better catch up with her." She rolled her eyes and walked away.

What? I ran back to the bench. She's gone.

Then, I heard someone throwing something to the ground. Quickly, I turned.

Cheon Jae?? I saw her as she fell to the ground. I ran towards her but Jimin, came out of nowhere had reached her.

"What happened?" I asked.

He turned to me. "Why are you asking me?! You're the one who's to blame for, you stupid jerk!" He grabbed my collar.

"You're supposed to take care of her! Now look what you did."

I rolled my eyes and pushed his hands off my collar before I carried Cheon Jae in my arms.

"Erm.. Mr, you don't mind if you give us a lift to the hospital, do you?" I asked the taxi driver.

He nodded and opened the backseat door. I laid Cheon Jae and went into the taxi. Jimin stopped me from getting in.

"I'm coming with you." He said.

"No, you're not-" I gave him my car key."-you'll drive my car to the hospital."

He blanked for awhile before nodded.

I slammed the door and the taxi started to move. I gently put her bleeding head on my lap.

Please hang in there, Cheon Jae.


I sat anxiously on the bench infront of the emergency room.

What have I done? I brought this to her. I rubbed my face several times. Then, I heard some footsteps coming closer.

I lifted my head to see who it was. It was Jimin, Hani, Soo Ah and a middle aged lady.

"How is she?" asked Hani as they reached me.

I shook my head. "I don't know. The doctor haven't come out yet."

"How did this happened? Why is she is in Daegu, by herself? She's just awake from her coma and now she's in the emergency room." cried the lady.

I glanced to Hani, giving her the look 'Who is that?'

She mouthed, 'CJ's Mom.'

I was startled.

"I'm sorry Mrs Kim. This is all my fault. I told her to come here and recall her memories back.. but I don't know what happened just now. Jimin-ssi do you know?" asked Soo Ah.

"I was on my way in my car to call Cheon Jae. Then, I saw her standing alone at the park. Quickly I parked my car and ran towards her but--"

"But, what?" asked Mrs.Kim anxiously.

"There was a huge guy behind her holding a club. He pulled CJ, hit her with the club and threw it at her. He shouted something.. I can't hear it because I was too far. I'm sorry Mrs Kim." said Ji Min, he rubbed his face.

She gasped and shed her tears. Soo Ah hugged her to keep her calm.

"No. I'm the one who should be sorry." I stood up.

Mrs Kim turned to me and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I took her to park and my.. girlfriend stalked me, we chatted and broke up. She can't except it and put the hurt on her. I didn't understand when she said 'You better catch up with her'. I'm sorry, really-really sorry." I bowed.

Mrs Kim was still furrowing her eyebrows, trying to regonize me. And then, she suddenly gasped.

"Y-you're that guy with my daughter. You're her ex-boyfriend, right?" She stepped closer to me.

I nodded slowly. Well actually I'm still her boyfriend, we never broke our relationship.

"You! I've told you to stay away from my daughter, how dare you show your face here!" She shouted in my face. Everyone else was staring at us.

"I'm s--"

The doctor came out of the emergency room. All eyes were on him, waiting him to inform about Cheon Jae.

"How is she doc?" asked Hani.

He smiled. "She's going to be okay. She ran so much blood out but luckily someone donated and she is now resting."

Everyone was relieved. Mrs Kim heaved a sigh of relief.

"Can we see her?"asked Ji Min.

I glanced him and bitted my bottom lip.

"I'm afraid not.. but only one person can see her for today. She still needed a rest." said the doctor.

We all nodded.

"Mrs Kim you can see her. We'll visit her tomorrow." said Hani.

She nodded. I glanced at the doctor and bowed him. He smiled and walked away from us.

"It is okay?" asked Mrs Kim and rolled her eyes at me.

"Yes. Urin-eun gwenchan-eulgeoya," said Soo Ah. (We'll be alright.)

"Right guys?" She turned to us.

We nodded.

"I'll stay at the bench outside the ward,okay Mrs Kim?" said Soo Ah. She drove here with Mrs Kim so she's responsible to drive her back home.

"Kaja. (let's go.)" She walked away with Soo Ah.

"Do you guys want to stay here, in Daegu or back in Busan?" asked Hani.

"Here. I'll find a hotel to sleep tonight." said Jimin. Hani gave him his car key.

"Okay then. See you guys tomorrow, Yoongi and Jimin-ssi." She walked out.

"Don't you have Biology test tomorrow?" I asked.

"Shut up. I don't care." said JiMin, his voice sounded serious.

We walked out to the parking lot.

"Won't your parents will be mad if they see your grades?"

"I said I don't care. You didn't take the exam too, anyways."

"What if Mr Kang asks?"

"I'll say we both went on a cruise." said Jimin while starting the engine. Then we both laughed our butts off.

"Yah, How could you say I'm a 'stupid jerk'?" I nudged his head.
"Because you are, pabo yoongi."

I smacked his face and pouted. "How could you?" Trying to be cute.

"Get off my face!" He closed the driver's door and lowered the window.

"Do you know a place to stay tonight?" asked Ji Min.

I thought for a while and nodded.

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