Chapter 7 - Buk-gu,Daegu

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Kim Cheon Jae

"So, How?"

"Well first, you have to go back to Daegu." said Soo Ah.

"What? why?" I asked and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Well you lived there from the day you're born right? So, maybe you'll recall your memories, there."

I nodded. Okay, she's got a point there. "Oh yeah, I also want to meet Hani there."

She raised a brow. "Who is she?"

"My bestfriend, before. My old bestfriend. I saw the name Hani in my diary when I flicked through it."

She snapped her fingers. "Aha! Maybe she could help you recall your memories back. So, when are you going to Daegu?"asked Soo Ah.

"I don't know and how am I going to get there? My Eomma? She is always as busy as a bee. And it's been a month since I woke up from my coma and there no way she'll let me go to Daegu by my own." I said and we both sighed.

"I can help you." said someone.
We turned around and saw a short boy, jumping down from behind a tree near us.

"Did you just eavesdropped everything we just said, Jimin?" asked Soo Ah.

He nodded and chuckled. Rude. Soo Ah elbowed him on his arm.

"Most of it. Yah, why you didn't tell me you're in coma and had an amnesia CJ? And Soo Ah, OUCH!"

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you to be worry about me." I said with an apologetic look.
"Well I am, now. So, when are you going to Daegu?" He sat beside me.

I shook my head. "I don't know and I don't care about it anymore."
"I can drive you there if you want." offered Jimin.

Soo Ah and me turned to him.

"Jinjja?! I don't want to burden you, Jimin-ssi."

"Yeah, really. I don't mind though. I also wanted to relax my mind for awhile. Going to Daegu sounded nice." said Jimin.

"Really, You will?? I thought you're having a Geography test this week." said Soo Ah.

"Yes, I am. That's why I'm going to relax my mind in Daegu."replied Jimin.

"Thank you, thank you so much Jimin-ssi." I bowed before he tried to stop me.

"Hey, don't bow and don't be so formal. It's my pleasure to help a friend in need. So, are we going tomorrow?" asked Ji Min.

I nodded. Tomorrow it is.


Min Yoon Gi

I smiled while washing the lunch box she gave me with the cupcakes. She's still cute and her red velvet cake tasted the same. Delicious.

But why did she change her style? She hates converse and long hair. I could barely regonize her the first time.

I walked to my room after finished washing the lunch box and slammed my tired body onto my bed. I grabbed my phone and stared at her picture in my folder. She was making my cupcake in this house.

The sound of my phone ringing broke the silence across my room. I checked the caller's id, Bomi.

Urgh. I rolled my eyes and rejected the call. She's been my girlfriend for three weeks since she confessed her feelings towards me. But the truth is, I don't really like her and I don't want to hurt her feelings.

She is nossy, diva alike and get sulky a lot. Urgh.. thinking about her just give me headache.

Cheon Jae.

I decided to call her. I wanted to thank her for the cupcake. Well, I wanted to tell her before but she just walked away and I have no guts to call for her.

I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

The number you have dialed is not available.Please--

Huh? Not available? Maybe she changed her number. Ahh.. nevermind. I'll tell her later at school tomorrow.


I walked out from class 5MS4. I've been searching for her this morning but she haven't came yet. So, I decided to meet her at her class. But now her classmates said that she's absent.

I sighed and walked to the stairs.
"Yoongi? What are you doing here?"asked someone. I turned around, it was Soo Ah.

"Ahh.. I'm searching for Cheon Jae. Kim Cheon Jae. Do you know why she is absent?" I asked.

Soo Ah gasped and her eyes started to wide anxiously, "Err.. N-no."

She knows something.

"You know, right?"

"No, I do NOT!" She said, half shouting- half whispering.

"Yes, you are. Tell me."

She shook her head. "No way."

"Soo Ah, I know you know. Please tell me! Please, pretty please?"I pleaded and she finally gave up.

She sighed and dragged me behind the stairs.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone, okay?" said Soo Ah.

I nodded.

"She is on her way to Daegu. That's why she is absent."


"Wh-what? She is going to Daegu? Alone?" I asked anxiously.


"C'mon Soo Ah. Tell me!" I shook her arm.

"She's with Ji Min. Park Ji Min. He said he wanted to drove her there while sight--"

I cut her off with a groan and I rushed towards the main door. Soo Ah shouted my name and I don't really care about ditching classes or my stuffs. What I do care is her right now.

In the corner, a girl between the group have been watching Yoongi since he came to 5MS4 just now, glaring at him with her fist clenched.

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