where he likes to kiss you //

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Hey guys I finally got a snow day! Yes! We were almost going to have one last week but we didn't and now we have one! So that being said, i am going to update more today. :D

Anakin: Your hand. He is a very big gentleman to you and he loves how soft your hands are. 

Luke: Your cheek. He always gives you a quick kiss on the cheek when he has to leave somewhere.

Han: Your lips. As always, he likes to be traditional. And he somehow always tries to take it a bit further...;)

Obi-Wan: The top of your head. He is taller than you so he likes to be able to kiss you there.

Poe: Your neck. He loves it when he finds your sweet spot. ;)

Finn: Your nose. He thinks your reaction is adorable. 

Kylo: Your shoulder. He likes to come up behind you and kiss your shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses up your neck. 

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