Beginning of the game

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"So, what gives us such an honour to have you in this humble city area?" says Izaya in a slightly mocking and provocative nature, which indicated he's well-informed on you.

"Business, but it's none of your concern," you reply in a calm voice while you stare back into his eyes. Izaya smirks in return, not revealing much.

"I'm an informer, I know things," says Izaya, his eyes on yours, "so no need to hide information from me," he smirks.

"Let's just stick to the job you are required to do," you say in a calm voice.

"This is all strictly business" he smirks mockingly. "So do tell me."

"So you can sell data about me?" You ask sarcastically.

"Exactly," he stares at you.

"Look," you look at him seriously, "don't stick your nose in my business."

"And if I do?" he chuckles at your harsh answer.

"You may end up dead, lying in thrash where you belong," you stay serious but unlike most Izaya doesn't get scared or anything, in fact, he seems amused.

"Sure, sure" he chuckles, swinging his hands. While conversation the food and tea are brought.

"Well, I see this will be fun, so I may tell you .." he stops talking and give a look at the food that was brought. While is he trying to figure out what is in front, you take chopsticks and start to eat пельмени. "What's that [f/n]-chan?" you lift your brow due to the sudden change of focus.

"It's Russian food," you reply shortly.

"Didn't know they serve it here"

"It's Russian place, how can they not?" You smile a bit. "You're an informer, don't you know everything?" You provoke and Izaya smirks amused.

"Well, what were you saying about telling me the information?" You ask, being calm again.

"You mean selling it," he adds teasingly.

"Yes," you respond, trying to figure out how he works and why he acts this odd. Izaya just observes but after some time he takes his phone out of his pocket and types something on it.ž

"be specific about what you want and I'll provide" he looks up to you and smirks. He writes down while you tell him, and in exchange, he tells you some of the information. You two agree that he will provide you with in-depth information soon in exchange for proper payment. 

"Mhm," you hum after you agree on everything. You check the time, it's time to go, you have nothing more to do with the informer, besides, you have a business to run.

"Already leaving?" asks Izaya, who leans his head on his hand while he watches you.

"Yes, deliver your work on time," you say in a calm voice then stand up. 

"[f/n]- chan, have some hope in me," he teases, a smirk on his face while he watches you lift your hand as goodbye then head out.

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