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"What do you have to say in your defence?" Says Rei after a short pause. Everyone, who was present yesterday in the club, already summoned up what they heard and saw.

Tamaki stares at you, with so much rage and hate. "Let's disregard that Azza is involved with Luke. It's against our rules to convict someone just because of a role that the plaintiff holds. Azza persuaded me since I know the place I knew that they have private rooms where she willingly went with me." He says calmly, barely seen smirk over his face.

"You drugged me." You answer calm and unruffled on the surface but distressed underneath.

"Drugged you?" He repeats surprised. "I did not drug you." He stares at you and you stare back.

"Liar." You say in slight irritation due to Tamaki, who obviously denies the truth.

"I know nothing about that, even so, do you have any evidence?" 

"I do not have solid evidence. You can deny that you slipped a drug in my drink but how can you explain that fifteen minutes later I couldn't move." You hiss at him, disgust and anger in your voice and expression.

"As the rest said. We drank, danced then you willingly went with me to that room. Or were you too drunk to remember?"

"I drank two glasses." 

"For some that's enough. I think it's obvious you try to deny that you wanted to fuck me but now you're afraid of consequences, you're afraid of Luke." Tamaki mocks boldly.

"That's enough." Rei involves. "Tamaki from what I saw you attacked Azza against her will."

"And where's the proof for it? She was drunk, she gave wrong signals then," he adds carelessly.

"Might be. But as a witness of the scene in that room I testify that Azza did not agree to it." Rei stays serious, cool and collected.  "Since you were drunk and drugged, you might misinterpret her signals, yet still you tried to assault her."

"Nonsense. Give me solid evidence." Tamaki narrows eyes and disagrees.

"The team can not afford such strong arguments between its members, especially not before such important task that we plan on," says Rei seriously. "You're out."

"What?" Tamaki groans. "You'll throw me out of the team?"

"Yes. It's final."


"You're lucky, it could be much worst," says Rei, he doesn't change mind.

"Just because Luke fucks that bitch." Tamaki gets angry, he hisses curtly and earns himself a grim look from Rei.

"Take your stuff, you have nothing else to do here."

"You'll regret this." Tamaki narrows eyes in anger, he grabs his jacket and walks closer to you and you stand your ground. "Next time, you won't be so lucky," he hisses.

"Tamaki you're a weak man," you lift chin arrogantly. "Man like you don't scare me," you add proudly.

"Sure, we'll see if you'll say the same when your time will come," he sneers mockingly and loathingly then leaves the place.

"Short pause." Rei stays serious but this time visibly dissatisfied. After the pause, the rest of the team gathers again. Klauss tells the new changes and improvements of the plan, he introduces remaining data concerning the project. After the meeting you approach Rei.

"Rei." You stop Rei before he leaves. "I want to thank you."

"I did what I had to do." Rei looks at you, usual expression of calmness and peace over his face.

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