Hell on earth

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I've changed previous chapter(Pray) since it was the wrong version of the chapter; There's no crucial difference in the storyline, only details. Words in Italic are the memories.

"Nothing less than perfection" plainly satisfied Luke takes a sip. For a moment it seems his expression went fiendish. 

Nick is dead. Killed by your own hands. It feels good but with the aftertaste of bitterness and fallacy. You shouldn't feel like this, he betrayed and took advantage of you.

"Everything is going according to plan" 

Someone knocks on the door and opens them.

"They are here" Luke nods and the man closes the door.

"You've done well" he moves from the table and finishes his drink.

"Be ready, soon we'll make a move" you nod while Luke walks closer.

"Klauss is waiting for you" he looks into your eyes and grabs your shoulders.

"Soon you'll have your revenge" tingled with warmth you look at his beautiful face and for a moment it feels like you enjoy his attention. Sophisticated he walks pass and you follow.  Luke walks to the meeting room while you search for Klauss.

"Here's what we have to do" he hands over a file. It takes you a while to read the whole context and it seems some data is missing.

"Pages are missing?" 


"That informer should have brought the rest. Ah! There's no sign of him!" discontented Klauss expires.

"It's so easy to misjudge people..."  For a moment you think, not giving any reaction.

"Should I find him?" It's impossible that he survived such wound, he probably has bleed to death.

"No" decisive he answers and raises the phone.

"I'll send our people in Ikebukuro" You just nod, close the file and ignore memories from the previous night.

"Good" was it wrong to kill him? No, you did the right thing.

"Ah, the first phase is denial" suddenly you get the feeling of sickness and cover mouth until it gets better. You killed him.

"Are you alright?" Klauss cautiously reaches for you.

"yes, I'm fine" You killed him.

"We can leave"

"No, it's fine. Let's finish work" he nods and takes the file. 

After a while the conference ends and people start to leave the meeting room. It's obvious from what household they are; Yakuzas. In silence, you walk into the conference room. There's Luke at the end of it, with boots on the table. He's smoking cigarette, relaxed with his mind far away. 

You close the door, walk to the window and look down on the crowd.

"Why am I left me out?"

"How am I supposed to help you when I get only a small in view into the situation" it makes sense that he does not trust you however you can not operate like this.

"You seem a bit off these days and it's not the right time to expose you, after all your underground name is well known, unlike your real identity"

"Don't worry you'll get informed. You'll know everything" says Luke carelessly.

"You give me revenge and I'll do anything that you ask me to"

"But do not keep me in the dark. And enough with excuses, I'm not stupid"

Snake[Izaya X Reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum