The possibilities

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It's been three days since you got shot, your arm got better and you had no problems to move it although that it hurt. You got some of Awakusu-Kai members, they leaked out the information that they knew, unfortunately they didn't know the name of person who's behind it all, but at least you  managed to find out some of their plans and how much they know about your business and organization. The goods were relocated without a problem and it price grew. There were no big moves from any team this past days, but tension is in the air, you can feel that the storm is coming.

"Huh? What's this?" the door are slightly open. You pull your gun out ready for any sudden movement.

the light is on....

Carefully opening the door....

It seems like nobody is in the apartment. The things are lying everywhere, such a mess!

Was someone searching for something?

Maybe for the bank box key?

Quietly, soundlessly you check all rooms. There's no signs of anyone.

"Eh~ I'm to tired for this" as you lock the door, turning some of lights off. Since are things lying around the place you decide to pick them up. There's nothing missing, well at least it seems like it.

luckily I wear key and USB with me...

*knock* *knock*

who?  with caution you pull your gun out.

slowly opening the door...

Huh?! quickly closing the door, but he already pushs them inviting himself in.

"we need to talk" says Izaya. For a moment you say nothing ignoring his being, picking up lying things.

"there is nothing to talk about" you finally let out, as you put clothes in wardrobe, showing Izaya your back. He grabs your hand pulling you his way, face to face. He's getting closer and closer tending his head.




"get away" you push him away, trying to leave his personal space. He blocks your way pushing you by the wall. He aims for your lips, taking them forcefully.

"I said get away!" pushing him away, then landing a slap with all force.

"what's wrong with you?!" in your vexation you raise your tone, everything happened to fast, no reason, no explanation. His actions are baffled, like he's trying different possibilities, like he has nothing to lose. 

"what do you even want?" your voice gets calmer, but melancholic, since he already got what he deserved you try to solve this quickly not into his company. For a moment is he thinking, trying to say something, but he isn't able to let it out.

say it...

say it!!

won't you say it!?

"I..." in expectation your mouth slightly open, so badly craving for any sign that he cares.

"I...I just came to say that I won't bother you anymore"  he trys to smirk but instead he looks at the floor. He glances at your arm not pleased about its state. 

w-what was I expecting... His unpleased expression makes you to try once again so you ask him 

"is that all you have to say?" Even if your mind is telling you to stop hopping for some unreachable wishes, your heart beates in undesirable fire of hope.

"no..." he lets out struggling, he opens his mouth ready to say something. You cam see that it's something that he wants so badly to tell, something that he wants to share with you to understand. Is this it? Both of you know that you can unravel this dispute, both of you know that it doesn't have to end up like this.

One step...One step away from it!

"that's all" a smirk widens on his face, while his eyes gez expressionless, blank as he subdued his thoughts caused by his emotions. Something seems to crack, something shattered inside of you. Unable to think, not capable to gather your mind together.

So close! 

But...but so far...  

"Don't make that face like you're going to miss me" All your feelings are written on your face, revealed in disappointed look.

"after all I won't forgive myself if one of my precious humans will get hurt because of me" he gently smiles like it's his biggest concern, but at the same time like it won't bother him to walk away. It makes you anxious, more like scared and jealous. Jealous that he is able to turn his back on you, like you're a stranger, a human in which he lost all his interest, renouncing of it, using some courteous words as pretext to avoid.

"I think you should leave" this is it. It's the end, there is nothing more to do. The end of the road, or more like the time when your paths must separate. At least you want to keep your pride, saving yourself from mortify which will be caused if he will stay one more minute, getting a chance to see you break.

don't leave me...

say something...

just say something!!

"Goodbye [f/n]" his smirk, his face expression...are indicating like everything will be alright, like everything will be...will be better...but... his eyes are a window to his little world which started o fall apart...for a moment is his glance dull, but quickly he steps back on the ground, walking away, further and further from you.


don't leave me!!

It's slipping, he's slipping away. You try to say something, anything to stop him...but there's no reason to, or is it?

You know that your selfishness and reckless behavior put your people in risk, so can would you be able to risk it all for someone like him?

He doesn't want you, oh no, he got bored. On the end was fun everything that he wanted. A possibilty to understand different individuals, how they think, how they feel. Just because he loved humans it doesm't mean that he cared about you specific. Indeed he does not want you for who you are nor he want to cross paths with you, not anymore.

I don't understand...!!

After all is he the one to blame, he's the one to beg, but it seems like he never really cared after all. Those mixed signals...was it all a play? Somehow you want to believe in Shinras words, but you just can't, not anymore, he killed all hope that you had. No matter that he hurt you, no matter that he was playing with you, it horrifies you that it's all over. It's the time to renounce.

He's gone, he left you, all alone, all alone with your agony.

Why... blankly you're staring, affraid of idea that he left, carelessly.

Why... your legs are shaking, letting you to collapse on the floor.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING!!??"still kneeling, perfectly still, hypnotized by the very alive beating of a heart...



"I-I don't want to lose you...even if you...even if you don't care!!"......

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