New friend

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You head to your apartment. A feeling that you're being followed makes you take a long way home. Even now you do not let your guard down after living in more dangerous areas. You move through a big crowd and then into some dark street. You got into some strange area in which you have never been before.

"Where the hell am I?" you mumble to yourself while lighting up a cigarette. The day already turned into the night while you were roaming around. You inhale smoke then lift your chin and exhale it up in the air. You'll have to google the direction.

"Hey, got lost?" You turn the way of the voice. A woman alone in a remote area, not very promising. There is a guy with dreads and next to him is a guy dressed in a bartender's outfit.

"We meet today, haven't we?" You look at the bartender for approval. He nods obviously staring at you. He then mumbles something to his friend, visibly annoyed.

"Shizuo," says his friend and glances at Shizuo, "you said you knew her, that you met her today," remarks the dreaded guy loudly.

"That's not what I said," says Shizuo annoyed then puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it up while mumbling something to himself in annoyance.

"Well-," he chuckles "you haven't told me that she is so exotically pretty...anyway I'm Tom!" He smiles.

"[F/n]," you smile, throwing away what is left of the cigarette. You could protect yourself but then again you have seen what Shizuo was capable of. At the moment they seemed harmless but you can't let your guard off.

"So you two meet?" says Tom, a smile over his face. "It seems our work helped you develop some social skills, look at you picking up ladies without me" laughs Tom, teasing Shizuo, who doesn't seem very entertained.

"It's not like that!" he says annoyed, but Tom laughs and taps his back.

"I would love to chat but I'm in a hurry," he smiles charmingly. "We'll talk next time when we'll go for a drink, right?" He taps Shizuo's back again, he winks and Shizuo lifts his brow questionably. 

"What are you saying?" says Shizuo confused.

"A woman shouldn't walk alone at night, it's dangerous, since you two know each other, you should keep her company" he winks.

"Eh?" Shizuo lifts brow.

"Anyway, I need to go!" Tom smiles then lifts his hand as goodbye then starts to walk away.

"Oi!..pff" Shizuo seems a little irritated since Tom left him in this kind of situation. You understood what just happened so you hum amused but then again, is it really safe to be alone with Shizuo after the incident that happened today?

"Well, Shizuo," you say in a calm voice and he looks at you while he continues to smoke. He was rather vocal when he tried to kill the informer but at the moment he doesn't seem very talkative. "we meet properly," you say as Shizuo looks in front of himself.

"you work for that thrash?" he says in a surprisingly calm voice but then again he doesn't show any signs of aggression towards you, unlike the informer, even so, he clearly isn't pleased with your action today.

"No, we could say he'll do some work for me," you say calmly but Shizuo looks at you sceptically.

"We didn't meet in the best situation and start on the best terms," you say in a calm voice but smile charmingly. "[f/n]," you introduce yourself to him once again and Shizuo lifts his brow. "Shizuo, right?" 

"uh- huh," he nods then looks in front of himself in silence. "I guess I'll help you to get home." He says and you smile since Shizuo reacted rather well. You tell him in which part of the area you live and he changes direction. He walks by your side, you take the pack of cigarettes out of your pocket then lit up a cigarette. Shizuo glances at you.

"Oi, you should stay away from cigarettes and that flea," he says in response to your action, you hum at his words and look back at him.

"Thanks for the warning, but I know how to take care of myself," you say confidently.

"I'm serious"

"About cigarettes or Izaya?" you say playfully but Shizuo remains serious. "It's just business, I'm not interested in the informer, he's a rather odd character," you add and a slight smile of agreement appears on Shizuo's face. You soon reach the area in which you live, due to safety concerns you part ways before the address that you live in. 

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