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-few days later-

"we managed to oust them in this part of city" consulting with most important members.

"our storages are under good protection so there won't be any problems"

"since we accomplished this plans, what do we have to do next?"

"we need to make them to work under us or wipe them out"

"now here is how is it going to be. Listen closely...." for a next hours you're making plans, you manage to agree and exchange important facts and ideas.


"what's going on with you these days?" asks Jean after everyone already left, he's one of few people who's able to see through you.

"I'll manage to get over it" you already walk down the stairs, escaping from the conversation.

"[f/n]!!" there's Kida with his company behind the table making noise.

"Kida?" it's a surprise to see him in the tea bar.

"hei...." as you wrap your hands around him.

"oh~ you're going to make me blush" he jokrs teasing.

"what are you doing here?" he says surprised.

"I own this place"

"whaaat? so cool!" for a while you're in cherful company chatting about what is going on around the town and other random things...oh well those random weird conversations. Since it's late his friends and other customers start to leave, until you're alone.

"[f/n] I wanted to ask you something for quite a while now"
"Sure. What is it?" he gets your interest since he got serious.

"there are some rumors that your organization is part of notorious Tokyo mafia" he wants to make sure if it's true.

"indeed we are" you answer without hesitation.

"Why haven't you told me? I really though you're part of smaller organization..." more than disappointed he seems worried, since he found out about mafias reputation.

"you never asked..." you smile like everything is alright.

"then be careful...I heard that Awakusu-Kai is planning on something"

"boss you still here?" Jean interrupts.

"ye...you met Kida before right?"

"oh of course" he remember the time when you saved him from Blue Squares.

"anyway they are especially focusing on your boss, Snake?" says Kida thoughtfully

Jean trys to say something, but he notices that Kida doesn't know everything about you, yet.

"her" you correct him.

"[f/n]?" Kida suspects confused.

"there is a lot that you don't know about me" Kida speechless stares at you.

"I-I see..." beside your mafias reputation he heard about Snakes reputation...which is quite...cruel...

"I can see you heard some things about me" nostalgic smile appeares on your face.

"I don't mind if you think of me as a monster, nor if you leave"

"You're not a monster" There's Shizuo which came to greet you after he saw you in the tea bar. 

"I don't know what you had done in the past and I don't care. What I care is what person you are now. You accepted me and we are friends, so I'll always have your back"

"Exactly!" Kida adds. That put a slight smile of appreciation on your face.

"I had done terrible things" You know how it will end up if they found out about your past.

"Oi! you don't have to go all alone through this" Says Shizuo which knows too well how it feels to be called monster.

"Anyway you shouldn't forget that no matter what you had done there are people who care about you and won't leave you no matter what" continues Jean. Kida and Shizuo nod in their agreement.

"do you have any idea who may be behind Awakusu-Kai?" Continues Kida. It seems that everyone already know that there is someone else behind Awakusu-Kai, since the mafia is operating different than usual.


"we will find out" Jean notes with confidence which is revealed in his cocky smirk.

"if we cooperate we can solve this without a problem" Shizuo includes.

"that's it!" Kida seems fired up for it.

"no" you don't want them to get involved in that kind of thing, so you decide to exclude them out.

"what do you mean by no?!" Kida raises his voice, standing from the table.

"don't push us away, we are already involved" Shizuo seems irritated, since he's worried.


"he is right! we already are!!" shouts Kida in his stubbornness.

"No! I don't need any help from you!" you raise your voice not letting anyone to change your mind. Everyone are staring at your obviously pissed off expression, while your eyes get teary.

"I'm leaving" you leave before you can do anything irrational, leaving them behind not able to handle it.

It's to much...

I can't let more people to get hurt...not people like them...

-Izaya p.o.v-

Isn't that [f/n]? He notices her in the park, sitting on the bench.

What are you up to? he leans on bridge fence which has a great view over the park and main place where people are usually gathering.

Waiting for someone? He has been keeping his eye on here these past days. Somehow she seems aloof and tired, that's unlike her. Especially at this moment, when he's observing her.

What's going on? He can't understand. She has began to act strange. With every day she seems more serious, colder, numb, tired...

She looks kinda despondent...he really is curious what could made her like that. It's exciting, because it's something new from her, emotion which she almost never showed. It's exciting, but at the same time he feels dissatisfied.

So for a while is she there doing nothing beside smoking. Usualy he would get bored of that kind of people and leave, but these days he's observing her even when she's doing those boring things. Probably because he wants to understand, and maybe...just maybe because he hopes that one day he'll be able to see her smiling, like she was smiling when they were together. 

Where are you going? curiously he rolls his eyes, following her since she left the park. For a while is she walking through the crowd, until he losses her....

Snake[Izaya X Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz