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It's been a quiet day. You sit on your balcony with a cup of [coffee/tea] while having a smoke. You've sent Troy the information, your trusted people are investigating to confirm the information that Izaya gave you. Your thoughts shift between work, new information and the night with Izaya; what a way to spend your weekend. 

You've spent the weekend at home since you agreed with lzaya to meet after you confirm the information. A few days has passed. You engaged in your work, nothing big while letting your people handle the situation in the back.

There's nothing much you can do at the moment than wait to hear from Troy and Nick about a possible leak of information from the inner circle. You think about the night you had with Izaya yesterday. You can't deny it- it was fun and exciting. Maybe he isn't as bad as everyone makes him seem - maybe he's just misunderstood. You take a deep breath then lift your chin and look at the sky, you can't let your guard down, experience has taught you not to, especially around people such as Izaya.

Your phone rings and disturbs your thought process. It's Nick. You answer the call.

"Nick," you say in a serene voice.

"[f/n]," he says in a calm voice but the way he said your name instead of calling you girl makes you assume something is off. "It's true, we confirmed the information that the informer gave, " says Nick, " I'll forward you the evidence."

"Is that so," you reply in a calm voice, somewhat displeased - aware of what comes next. "Send me everything, keep an eye on him until I get back to you."

"Sure," replies Nick then hangs the call.

You put out the cigarette, looking up to the sky. What a life to live.

Soon you head inside and check the information Nick sent you. You confirm it then call Nick and tell him to observe the member until the right moment to pick him up. You continue with your day then head to the coffee shop to Jean and Troy to discuss a few things. You meet and do the required work then have a drink in the room for gathering.

"[f/n]," says Troy, he sits at the bar, drinking a gin tonic. "What do we do about Jon's situation," he refers to the member, who has proven to be working behind your back.

"You know how it goes," you reply in a calm voice, you approach him and take a seat at the bar, next to him. "he's leaking important information, which could compromise the organization and its members, he's working against us, the punishment will be according to it."

Jean walks behind the bar and pours you a drink then pours himself a glass of wine. "Our people are investigating how much he leaked and what information," comments Jean as he hands you the glass, "even so, we'll hardly gather all the information."

"I realize that," you reply then thank him and take the glass. "Make sure to do good research on who he forwarded the information to," you reply and Jean gives a nod.

"Yes," replies Jean, "it appears he forwarded it to Yakuzas, who operate on this territory but we will make sure to do a thorough research."

"Good," you say then sip from your glass, "call the informer and pay him for his work," you say to Jean, avoiding using Izaya's name so it wouldn't sound too personal.

"Understood," says Jean then takes his phone and types something on it then sets it down.

Troy lifts his glass. "To a good outcome," says Troy and you cheer. You talk some more while having another drink.

You stay for some time more to spend time with your close friends but eventually head out and exit in the front then head to the metro. You could use your car but with the traffic, at this hour it's easier to go by public transport. You exit near the park. You walk to the park and through it to take a shortcut. You look around curiously. There isn't any sound of Shizuo and Izaya fighting but you wouldn't be surprised to run into one of them, especially at this hour. You are about to exit the park when you notice Shizuo. The man is dressed in a bartender outfit as usual, he's pacing from side to side then eventually takes a seat on a bench. You approach him since you have to pass the trail next to the bench anyway.

"Having a break?" you say when you approach him. Shizuo looks up at you surprised, a subtle sign of irritation on his face disappears when he recognizes you.

"Oh-," he says in a half mumble, "[f/n]," he says in a clearer voice. He is having a smoke or maybe he's on the lookout.

"Shizuo," you say as you smile, "have a lighter?" you take a seat by his side and take a cigarette out of the pack. Shizuo feels his pockets then takes out a lighter and hands it to you. You take and light up your cigarette.

You make a few puffs then return the lighter, "thanks," you say while you lean back and relax.
"Sure," he says in a calm voice.

"finished with work?" you ask while observing the cars driving on the road and the crowd of people moving like a wave of water through the street, separating while either disappearing into the ground to catch a metro or going to park and other streets.

"Yeah," replies Shizuo in a low mumbling sound. He inhales smoke then exhales it slowly.

"talkative as always," you tease him and Shizuo looks at you.

"Nothing much to say," he says, "I finished work and I'm waiting."

"For?" you ask curiously.

"to collect thrash," replies Shizuo as he grins. You furrow brows as you think for a moment then laugh.

"Does the trash have any specific name?" you ask amused and Shizuo laughs aggressively.

"Someone has to get rid of him," says Shizuo, between excitement and irritation. "I saw him go to this park so I followed but he disappeared before I could call him out."

"Why do you hate him so much?" you ask since you can't ignore their rivalry. Shizuo seems to hate Izaya deeply, even though Izaya doesn't seem as bad as you initially heard or thought.

"Why?" says Shizuo, his voice raised, "because he tried to kill me!" he says upset. He shakes his head then throws away the cigarette. "Izaya... Where do I even start with that bastard? Every time I think about him, I feel my blood boil," his fists clenched. "tch-," he looks in front of himself while you stay in silent for a moment. Shizuo breaks the silence and continues. " First off, the guy's a manipulative snake. He thrives on lying, scheming, and messing with people's lives just for his sick amusement. I hate liars, and Izaya's the worst of the worst. He's always got some twisted game going on, pulling strings from the shadows and thinking he's so damn clever!" He looks at you, you listen to him with interest. Shizuo must have known him for quite some time. You nod in return to encourage Shizuo to say more. "He drags innocent people into his sick games, and that pisses me off even more. I can't stand seeing people get hurt because of his twisted sense of fun."

You finish your cigarette and throw it away, "so it's all a game to him? From what you say he seems a pretty bad guy," you look in front of yourself, thinking, Izaya Orihara - a misunderstood individual or a two-faced sociopath; it's hard to say. From what you hear about him it seems he's a messed up individual - a two-faced man. Even so, recent events seem to show there's something more to him. Either way, you can't trust him, there's always some truth in rumors, besides, he's an informer.

"Yeah, sick games," says Shizuo irritated, he looks at you surprised. His expression changes with his brows furrowing into a frown, "He's dodging around like some annoying insect, smirking that smug grin of his - but I'll get him one day and beat it off his face," he grins aggressively, "just how I did that time when I broke his legs -," he grins, "I broke him, and it did the trick for some time."

You watch him in silence, somewhat surprised. "You broke his legs?" you ask to get the context and more information about Izaya.

"Yeah," says Shizuo proudly, "I broke his legs, he couldn't walk - it humbled him but apparently not enough since he crawled back to the city like a cockroach," says Shizuo through his teeth.

"He couldn't walk?" you ask surprised. He seems agile and flexible, fast on his feet so Shizuo's words are unexpected.

"Yeah," replies Shizuo, "he couldn't walk, I'm surprised he can even walk not to mention he recovered to the point of running and jumping around like a monkey," he replies. You look in front of yourself in silence; interesting.

"You should stop before one of you gets killed," you say finally. There isn't much you can comment at the moment since you don't know Izaya nor Sizuo enough.

Shizuo laughs, "It will never end, he calls me a monster and I can't stand him." You look at each other. "So yeah, I hate Izaya. I hate everything he stands for, everything he does, and everything he is. If I never saw his face again, it'd be too soon."

You remain silent. You can't affect the situation if they are not willing to change it themselves, but you can't help but feel sorry for both of them.

"He must have changed after that," you say in a calm voice.

"Change?" says Shizuo sarcastically, "He hasn't changed even a bit - ha!" he makes a laugh, "he only got slower!"

"Is that so," you say, not revealing too much of your thoughts. "I don't think he's coming back," you reply then stand up. "I have to go," you look at him, and Shizuo looks at you.

"We'll see about it," mumbles Shizuo, who decides to stay for longer in case Izaya shows up again.

"Take care, you have my number so we can catch up for a drink sometime," you say to him, "say I said - Hi- if you see Izaya," you tease Shizuo a bit.

"Tch - I'll greet him with my fists," replies Shizuo and you laugh then wave and soon after walk away then head home.

You stay home for the rest of the day. A call from Nick breaks the calm evening. Jon, the man, who works behind your back, has once again gone to sell information. It's enough  - you gained enough information and evidence to act on it. You order Nick to pick him up.

As said, Nick and others pick Jon up. Nick gives you a call and you take your car that you use when needed to drive to the destination to which they took him. Forwarding your men needed information and orders while on your way. The car rolls to a stop in front of the abandoned building, its headlights cutting through the darkness like knives. The engine's low rumble dies out, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. You step out, the crunch of gravel under your feet echoing in the still night air.

Your gaze is directed to the abandoned building in front of you. There are a few black cars parked nearby, your men are already at the location. You approach the building and greet two of your men, who guard the entrance. There isn't anyone anywhere close by - the area is abandoned and long forgotten.

You enter the building. Nick is talking to a man in a place similar to a waiting room. They notice you and go silent. 

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