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Ah Ikebukuro. How good does it feel to walk across its streets again. There's so many people, if one would wish he would disappear into thin air. Roaming around known area brings such joy, like you're home. Known places, unknown people. Through the park. As always it's lively here in Ikebukuro, regardless of time and weather. There's a bridge near at which you stop. It's providing a clear view over the park. Take the glasses off to rest eyes on moving people. Mild breeze cares skin, hair plays in the air time to time playfully touching your face. Warmth from sun brightens the mood and peaceful smile blooms on your face. If this kind of feeling could last forever. Such harmony, such peace. Whirling of trees crowns, noise of cars, people, sleepless town. Who would have though that it makes it hard to leave.

Through the streets and pass the stores. Your step slows when you're observing the building across the street. When you think about it; legally you're still the owner aren't you? The tea bar. As clear as you can discern through the glass there's no familiar faces inside. It makes sense that organization left exposed base. Slight thrill runs down the body and in insolence your direction change. It appears that the tea bar is full. You take a seat at outside part of the bar which has some tables left. It's a lovely day; the sun shines brightly, it's warm and the mood is great. A waiter comes to take orders. It looks like the staff has hands full of work. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable, even though that your eyes attentively keep checking for any possible danger, but soon you mellow out. You're not endangered after all you're armed, sorrounded by people. Resting in enemy territory sends spikes of adrenaline down the body, such a satisfying feeling. In relaxed manner you put glasses a side. It's been a while since you rested like this. It gives you a feeling like everything is alright, like everything will be fine. But that isn't reality. Soon you'll have to return to Shinjuku, into the dirt. After a while you ask for a check. Waiter from before comes in hurry. At first he's not paying much of attention, he glances around to makes sure everyone got what they ordered. When you look up to him you realise he's carefully observing your face, but as soon as your eyes meet he smiles in politeness. As soon as he leaves your eyes glance inside, through the transparent glass. By the bar. You frown at familiar figure. Jean. A waiter steps up to him, he peeks outside saying something to Jean which reacts intensely. Shell–shocked he looks over his shoulder. It's time to leave. Not in hurry you stand up from the table, last time gazing up to Jean. Your eyes meet. Scornful smile widens on your face when your eyes hide behind glasses. He shoots out of the building. Suddenly you draw away, walking towards the mob of people.

"[F/n]!" He's close.

"[F/n]!" Into the crowd. Between people. Hurry up.

"[F/n] Wait!" His voice dissipates in mess of noises. It can no longer be heard. There is too much of people, so many different faces. Did you get rid of him? Scoot between people, across the street, through the region. Into a dull alley. Into a side alley of alley. Those careful steps. That quiet movement. Quickly, unseen you take a turn into empty alley.

"I'll kill you here and now!" Behind him. Gun against his head. In steady hostile tone, you're ready to shoot him off. Black outfit, dark hair...

"Oh. It's you" not interest you hang the gun. Izaya Orihara. You thought it was Jean.

"It's you? That's impolite to say" calculatingly with scheming glance he looks at you through his shoulder.

"My mistake" like nothing happened you hide gun continuing walking, leave before he'll recognise you.

"It's impossible not to recognise your smile" contentedly he raises chin and his lips curl into a sly smile.

"huh?" surprised you raise brows at sudden remark.

"I think you've mistaken me for someone" with tenuous excuse you try to get out of unpleasant situation.

"Oh. I did?" he sniffs at misapprehension.

"My mistake" facetious look is on his face when he expands arms taking a step back. Leave now.

".. until next time [f/n]" your step stops, annoyed but cold blooded you slightly turn head his way, taking the glasses off. He knew all along. Of course. He never disappoints.

"My smile?" and you hum and you roll eyes in annoyance. He smiles in annoying self-satisfied manner.

"Why were you following me?" Straight to the point, you want to get rid of his annoying face as soon as possible.

"I wasn't" and you look inquiringly at Izaya, who shrugged his shoulders.

"By pure chance you ended up here, at this place, at this time?" his damned cheerfulness is really getting on your nerves.

"Exactly" you glare at him not into his games.

"I'm not in the mood for your games Orihara" He's not even hiding it, how much he enjoys the situation.

"Oh you're not?" He takes it further by playing dumb. With innocent expression he stares at you, inciting repulsion.

"You've been collecting data on me?" You've been stalked by him, who knows for how long.

"Who knows" You give him a bored look. Like is he for really?

"You're such a pain" you nudge gun in his ribs. He slightly twitches not expecting that.

"Oh~? you can't do that. Luke will be dissatisfied" he chokes out a few sneering giggles, thrilled by unravelling of events. He alludes that you're deprived of power.

"Does it looks like I care?" sarcastically you whisper on his ear in vile tone. You're so close that you can smell his scent. He has such a pleasant scent.

"No one will know who did it. It's a surprise no one has done it already" it's entertaining how the situation turned against him.

"you look serious about it" he hems at logical remark, slightly cringing.

"Because I am" earnestly, you're ready to shoot.

"Loyal dog is not loyal as it seems. So it's ready to bite his master at first opportunity?" scornfully he glances back at you.

"You're different and at once exactly the same as I remember" his ambiguous answer plays on strings of your curiosity and he knows it well.

"Tell me. What do you know about my time in Ikebukuro?" loath to ask it you expire. His scornful smirk makes you feel powerless, embarrassed.

"I know quite a lot" you sag the gun, taking a step back.

"But it doesn't mean I'll tell you" he steps right on your ego. He wants you to beg or what? No chance that you'll lower yourself to make him speak. Especially when he has this smirk painted across his face.

"I see" gritting teeth to dam up your anger. When the times is right you'll beat this smirk off his face. In haughtiness you raise chin. In stubbornness you turn around ready to leave. Before you know it Izaya walks pass. He stops a few meters ahead glancing back at you. Questionably you furrow brows.

"Well you're coming or what?" Pleasantly suprised you open mouth at unexpected turn. Confusion and distrust replace anger. But you better grab an opportunity.

"..Sure" Your baffled expression brings a smile to Izaya's face. He puts his arms into pockets waiting for you.

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