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"It's open" weak light from outside throws shadows on the spacious apartment. The window shakes at the sound of the rain, there next to it is a figure watching through, over the crowd. 

"Right choice" Izaya glances across his shoulder, his face hides in dark only his dark threatening eyes reflect. 

"I'm here, so why did you want me to come?" he makes a few laughs. Both of you know why.

"why do you think?" he said he wants you to leak data...

"well..." ... but you can't do that.

"I'll give you anything but data" for a moment silence fills the room while that he walks down to you.

"oh?" the light from outside hits his face, interested he smirks like he's trying to think of the worst thing to demand.

"and what can you offer me?" cunningly he analyses your expression.


"anything" his eyes shine and not holding back he approaches. Bluntly he smiles like he got a great idea to try out.

"oh? Anything?" he walks around you, running his hand over your shoulder and wipes hair off it. Since he doesn't get any reaction he grabs you from behind, by waist then pulls you closer, amused playing games.

"anything?" in unpleasant feeling you stay still. He runs his hand lower and in anger you shake him off.

"you prick" is this his true nature?! Or is this again a sick trick?!

"didn't you say anything?" Mockingly he giggles on a few laughs like he expected such heated reaction.

"... Yes"

"how far are you ready to go for him?" excited he lifts chin imaging different scenarios.

"undress" What!? His sudden demand upsets you and vainly you frown, not sure what's going on. Is he for real or just messing with you?

"Don't you care" his harsh, derisive laugh spurs heat in your chest and upset you take a deep breath.

"Don't you love him"

"give me data about-" His eyes widen in surprise. You take your shirt off and look at him somehow shy.


"I'll be good, bad, anything you want" you turn towards him while he silently observes. You lean closer and grab onto his shirt. He doesn't object nor does he do anything. You tilt head to kiss his neck but Izaya looks aside and avoids it.

"Don't you want me?"

"No, I don't want your body" his gaze goes cold as he takes a step back, away from you. His rejection triggers different emotions and embarrassed you look away. Stupid games.

"you just wanted to humiliate me" aloof you choke on laugh.

"you had t-..." embarrassed and humiliated you look away, you're better than this.

"It was all to prove a point? You were right, happy?" For a moment a strong emotion of self-pity flows across your body. Again you're placed in the situation where you have to choose between yourself and others... No more...

"you are ready to sell your body for him?" He grabs you by shoulders, injecting the feeling that he owns you, that you'll dance however he'll want you to.

"Is this how desperate you have become" pathetic, yet still Luke owns you...

"not only that you were forced you in the past, you're still forced to" he smirks in triumph.

Snake[Izaya X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now