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"You're friends?" You turn Izayas way, trying to understand his connection with her.

"We could say that" says Izaya smirking, but there's a strange tension in his eyes.

"Anyway, I brought you these" handing a bag with his clothes.

"Oh and I must warn you"

"Hmm~?" Raising his brow

"Awakusu-Kai may try to harm you. So take care and give me a call if you'll feel threatened" you know he won't do that, but mentioning it anyway, just to anoy him.

"Are you worried about me [f/n]-chan?" He says teasing, expanding his arms.

"I'm protecting my own interests" he grins.

"Anyway I'll be going, bye" he just nods, it's strange that he wasn't annoying.

-week later-

Can't wait to see how it will turn out! Thinking about womans problem, to which he just sold information.

He's walking through the park, observing lively city.

There is she...

I wonder how will she solve her problems with Awakusu-Kai

He has unpleasant feeling, he wants to go and talk to [f/n], but he pushes it down, ignoring his wish. He walks to his observing point.

So many people, so many known secrets

"Are you avoiding me?"

-[f/n] p.o.v-

"Are you avoiding me?" you're behind Izaya, which is observing the crowd.

"Is there something wrong with that?" he slightly jeers.

"Don't answer with question. Yes or no?" He turns around, having mocking expression.

"Yes I am" he's searching for any sign of irritation, but he gets nothing.

"That was all that I had to know" your voice is calm and relaxed, while is unreadable mask on your face. In silence you leave, continuing walking through the city.

Once again I thought we could be friends...

How stupid am I! After a long time I decided to follow my heart instead of mind. Such a stupid idea!

"Oi [f/n]" there's Shizuo on your left. Without saying anything you hide in his hug. He opensbhis mouth in surprise, but says nothing.

"Everything will be alright" he gets a slight smile. He never has seen you like this, but he's glad to get a chance to comfort you.

"If you want you can tell me what's the matter"

Why do I feel like this?

"It's nothing" He moves his hand through your hair, pulling you closer, that puts a smile on your face.

It's so comfortable and safe... For a while you stay like this.

I'm glad we are friends! You let go of him, feeling much better.

"Give me a call, we should see each other more often!" Waving to him while walking away. Not sure what just happened Shizuo ribs his head. For a while you walk randomly around the city.

I should see Kida and Shizuo more often!

"You're really close with that monster" you notice Izaya on a small bridge. After a long time he called Shizuo a monster.

"Indeed I am" continuing walking, soon is he already walking by your side.

"You should keep away from him" he says with displeasured expression.

"I'll decide with whom I'll be hanging out and with who I won't"

"Are you sure?" he remarks with wide smile.

"don't stick your nose in my business" you say calmly, but still annoyed that he is saying those things.

"And if I do?" he says laughing, remembering the first time that you met.

"You may end up dead, lying in thrash where you belong" this time you don't give him a sweet smile, making him to burst into laugh anyway.

"Oh you're so mean" he trys to get something from you, but again nothing.

Without saying anything, he gets ignored, while you two are walking through dull street.

-[ring tone]-

-upcoming call Shizuo-

"Hey, just making sure that you're alright"

"Hei Shizuo!" that takes Izayas attention.

"I'm fine, don't worry" As you turnvaround, showing Izaya your back.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"I just want to say that we should see each other more often"

"Sure, that's a good idea tho. Anyway you're free tomorrow evening?" That puts a smile on your face.

"Yes I am"

"Then I'll give you a call. See ya"

"Bye~!" Without looking at Izaya, you start to walk, smiling. You can feel how he grabs your hand, making you to turn around.

"Wha...??" he pushes you by the wall, blocking your way out with his hands.

His neutral expression turns into a scowl.

"What do you think you're doing?!" you shout confused, clearly upset. He doesn't respond, he just stares into your eyes. Upset by thoughts how he got hurt because of him, are making him mad and this time he doesn't hide it.

"I-Izaya?" He's completely his other self, slowly cutting you up with his red eyes.

"What is so special about that monster?" It's a question that's bugging him for so long, he can't understand why do people care about Shizuo so much. But for the first time he decided to ask someone about it.

"Shizuo? He is a good person, misunderstood because of his power...he is a loving person, but you need to love him first, only then he can open up to you" he glances away, while he lets go of you.

"Monster like him doesn't deserve to be loved" He thought he accepted him, he thought he will be able to bear it, but he never really got over it. In his defeat he leaves you behind, walking away, with a mild smirk.

It scares me to see him like this, it's unlike him

"Izaya!" he ignors it

Is it the same with you?


Why am I again hoping that he won't reject me?

You run towards him, grabbing him by his jacket.

What am I doing?

"Aren't you my friend?" collapsing into his hug, his eyes widen in his bewilderment. He can't understand why this is happening, he can't understand why he got flustered and why his heartbeat raised while he's holding you.

"you're my friend, so don't push me away" butterflies in stomach, trembling body, dizziness in your head. At first he was only an annoying guy with which you had to cross paths because of business, using him for benefits and your own fun. But before you knew it you developed unexpected attachment. Emotions which you never felt before and did not understand, but finally you admitted that he means something to you.

I'm not sure why do I feel like this...


or is it something else

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