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City is lighten up. So many colours, so many people. Crowds are pouring through streets, creating noise which is giving life to the city. 

A terrible scream echoes. At next moment people clear the way, running from danger. There. In the park? Just out of interest you make your way closer to the action.

The hell?

A tall blonde guy dressed in bartender outfit is holding a vendig machine?...How is this possible...? He throws it! At people in front. Some run away, some fall, unmoving. In interest you tilt your head, it would be useful to have a guy like him in your possess. It may happen in future, but, but for now you decide to leave. 

"[f/n]!! Where the hell have you been?" someone grabs your hand. It's Nick, he seems upset. Harshly he grabs your shoulders. Closer you press him, embracing. For a moment he gives no response. Soon he gently pats your back, trying to proceed what's going on.

"Why do you act like this...you shouldn't move around when you're in such condition" how nice it feels to see how genuinely is he worried for your sake.

"Come. I'll take you home"

"No, take me to our places" you must find out how much you have done by now.

"Are you sure?"

"yes" he raises his phone making a call. Probably informing others that he found you.

"Oh...how much people know about my memory lost?" you want to keep it a secret as long as you can, so others won't take advantage out of it.

"Beside us...Kida and doctor"

"Keep it that way"

"Even from our people?" Yes, even from them.

"Yes. For now. We'll see how will things turn out, soon or later they'll find out" He stops in front of bar, entering it.

"Then so be it" A tea bar? It's a big bright place, well designed. It looks like it's a high class tea bar, full of all kind of people.  Nick is guiding you to the end of the room, that is linked into small hallway in which are other rooms. There are a few privat tea rooms for high class visitors. Again you two go to the end of the hall way. There is a door on which is written privat. You two enter and there are stairway. You walk up to the second floor.

"Only our usual squad is here" strong sense of relief. He opens the door. Luxuriously furnished place. It has a small bar in right corner. Ivan, Jean and Donnie are seating on sofas, while is Troy at the bar.

"[f/n] seriously?" Ivan stands up slightly annoyed. Not saying anything else he embraces you. He seems upset, worried and relieved.

"you sure are careless" remarks Troy shaking his head.

"Shouldn't you stay at home and rest?" mentions Jean. Indeed you should rest. But there's no time.

"I've rest long enough" two months, throwing away two months of your life...

"Anyway I came here because I want to know how much we have done by now?" you take a seat beside Jean.

"I see...We took over some clubs, but the main clubs are still in poses of Awakusu-Kai" Jean uninhibitedly answers.

"Have you tried to bargain?"

"Yes we had. But they aren't willing to hand them over"

"And what was the plan?"

"we will reach for clubs after we take them out" the hell were you doing half a year in this city, before falling in coma?

"was the new pill released?"

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