Chapter 18 - Stiches

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Neighbours POV (one of the people who live in the apartment with them)

I was carrying the rubbish down to the bins but when I came back I heard a scream coming from the bottom floor apartment.
I knew that there were three young people living in there all of them made YouTube videos. I also knew that one of them had gone to South Africa.
I walked up the door which was slightly open. I looked through the gap in the door and I soor a boy lay on the floor. He had cuts on his face and a purple eye.
I opened the door causing it the creek.
I heard a man shout so I ran and hid below the stairs. He came out of the door he looked drunk. I had left the front door open and he must have thought I went out there so that's where he went. I ran up and shut the door locking it, making the only way to get in was I you had bottom and op keys. I walked over to the door where the youngsters lived and opened it. As I walked in I spotted a girl crying in the corner of the room. I ran over to her remembering her name was Izzy.
I asked her what happened and she explained.
She wasn't hurt but the boy who I was told was Joe was out cold alive but out cold.
I called and ambulance which arrived really quick.
The man who had beaten him up had gone and was no where to be seen.
Izzy got into the ambulance with him and I have her my number for if she needed anything. The ambulance drive off and I locked the front door before returning to my own flat,


I woke up with a banging headache. The beeping of a heart matching was going off signalling I was in fave alive. It took me a while to realise where I was. I was in a hospital.

I looked around for Izzy but she was no where to be seen.
I turned over to my side and found my jacket. I picked up my phone and saw I had three missed calls.
One from Oli and two from Zoe.

Zoe had left a voice mail.

"Hey Joe Izzy ran telling me what happened I hope your okay text me when you get this"
The other voicemail said exactly the same.

Oli had also left a voice mail.

"Was walking down your road to pop in and I soor an ambulance outside and izzy run into it I gathered you weren't there so text me if everything's alright I've tried Izzy but no answer"

I put my phone back down and felt a pain on my face.
I had a cut on the left side of my face.
I got a pain as I touched it but it went away quickly.

A nurse came in and checked me she took the heart machine away and removed the plaster covering the cut off my face.

Izzy came in and the nurse left.

"Hey" I said sitting up.
"Joe I'm so sorry"
"This wasn't your fault"
"No but it was my brothers"
"It happens doesn't it I'm fine"
Izzy ran over giving me a hug.
I looked outside and it was really dark.
"But are you fine?" I asked Izzy
She nodded.
"Yeah he didn't touch me!"

We were aloud to leave at 8am the next morning.

Once back at the flat I rang Zoe telling her I was fine, I then text Oli telling him what happened he then replied saying he was on his way over.
Izzy was also on the phone to her mom explaining what happened.

After half an hour Oli arrived and we played on the X-Box whilst Izzy was making us some lunch.

"So when are you two off?" Oli asked once Izzy had given us our food.
"Monday" I said with a mouth full of food.
"Okay I'll get your presents to you before then"
"Mate you don't have to get us presents"
"Yeah I do"
"I've got yours downstairs Oli" Izzy said.
"Have you"
"Yeah we have Joe"
"Oh yeah we have" I gave Izzy a confused look and nodded.

After an hour or so Oli left and walked home.

"Now Izzy we can either watch a film or we can watch YouTube your decision"
"How about we watch Paper Towns" Izzy said and came and sat next to me. I put my arm around her and chose the film on sky movies.

After about 40 minutes of the film Izzy had fallen asleep. I decided to cook some food then wake her up to eat.
I walked over to the cupboards and pulled out some pasta some tinned sweet corn some hot dogs and cheese and made Izzys favourite pasta.

I played it up and laid the table.

"Izzy" I said putting my hand on her shoulder.
She grunted and turned so she was lying on her front.
"I made your favourite pasta" her eyes opened and she sat up looking around.

"It's on the table!"
Izzy grabbed her vlogging camera and walked over to the table.
She gave me a massive hug before sitting down.

I sat down opposite her and began eating.
After eating i cleared up and I started editing my vlog from yesterday it was already up late and I didn't end it for obvious reasons so I quickly filmed and ending, I didn't mention anything about Izzys brother as we had agreed not to.
Izzy had gone round to our neighbours with some flours for her to say thank you.
She returned and edited her vlog before we both fell asleep on the sofa.

Sorry the chapters late I honestly have no excuse but hey it's up now!
I hope you enjoy and please like and comment!
-HoranSuggs xx

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