♕ Chapter One ♕ - Game On Pretty Boy.

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A/N: did you miss me? >.- I am dedicating this story to baerucas cause she is my bae and she also dedicated her story "colors" to me. <3 now, enjoy guys!

Lucas POV.

                       The music was blasting through the speakers and everyone were dancing, pressed together in the little living room. Girls were grinding on the boys whom didn't look like they had any problem with it. There were red cups thrown everywhere in the house that once had been filled with liquor.

I was sitting at the bar, ordering a beer when a short brunette girl walked up to me with a smirk.

"Hey." She was trying to make her voice husky. I just nodded at her and took a sip from my beer, she frowned. "Aw, come on babe, let's dance." She was clinging on me, her arms wrapped around my biceps.

I looked at her and rolled my eyes, "Sorry Minnie,"

"Missy," she corrected.

I sighed, "Whatever." I stood up and took her arms away from mine, "I'm not in the mood. Now, leave me alone." I walked away, leaving her pissed off.

I didn't care, I never liked her. She was too bitchy and too clingy; not my type. And even if I gave her one shot, she wouldn't leave me alone after that. She was just...that kind of girl.

I walked pass the crowd, in an attempt to get out and get some air. When I came to the front door I saw Brandon, one of my best friends, with a tall blonde in his arms. I rolled my eyes. Of course he would be with a girl by now.

I walked up to him, nudging his arm making him turn to look at me.

"Aye bro," he patted my back, letting go of the blonde. "How's the party so far?"

"Boring." I said without any hesitation. "I'm leaving now, I'll see you tomorrow in school."

He chuckled, "Yeah, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow, bro."

I walked outside, heading towards my car in the dark. I had parked the car away from the house so that the jerks that would drink, wouldn't try and steal it. God knows what they would try and do.


I heard a familiar voice that would make my ears bleed. I rolled my eyes, turning around to see the one and only Charlie Gardner with arms crossed over his chest and a smirk. I also crossed my arms but I kept my annoyed face on.

"What do you want, Gardner?" He was annoying me by just looking my way.

He fake frowned at me, "Ouch," he placed his hand over his heart, fake hurting. "I thought we were friends, Friar."

"I would never be friends with you, you little prick." I spat at him furiously.

"Now, now." He took up his hands in surrender, walking towards me. "I don't want to start a scene. I just wanted to.." He caresses his chin, fake thinking. "Catch up with each other."

"Catch up is what friends do when they haven't seen each other." I informed him. "And we," I pointed between us. "Are anything but friends. Got it?"

He smirked. This prick seriously never leaves me alone.

"Now, get lost before I give you one of those bluish, purplish eyes again." I smirked at him and turned around, walking to my car. When I came to the car, I turned around to see if he left which he had. Coward.

Riley's POV.

Game On, Pretty Boy. ♕ RUCASWhere stories live. Discover now