♕ Chapter Ten ♕ - Pig With No Feelings.

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Riley's POV.

         "Hello, Shaky."


No. No. No. No.

Not him.

Out of all the people that could be calling, HE had to be the one to call me!?

No. I have nothing to say except, no.

"What do you want!?"

He chuckles softly but coldly on the other line before answering. "Nice talking to you too, Matthews."

"No games, Friar." I groan. "What is it that you want that makes you call me?!"

He was irritating me even if we just started talking. It was as if my brain had this command. Every time we see, hear or get near Lucas Friar, our mood gets from happy sunshine to I could kill you with my bare hands.

"Not a game, just need you to make me a favour. That's it."

I'm not doing it him a favour.

"No." I say blankly without any hesitation.

He lets out a deep sigh. "Look, I don't want to do this either but I have to. If you help me, someone -not me- will be very happy."

No hesitation. "No."

"Matthews, come on! I haven't even told you what the favour is." That's true.

I shrug. "I'm pretty sure I will say no anyways so I don't see why you keep bugging me about it."

I was being rude, yes. Usually I would help the person out. But this is Friar. The only thing I didn't want to do was get involved with him in any sort of way. No favours including.

"Look, I don't care what the favour is about. I won't help you." I say determined, waiting for him to give up and hang up.

"Look, you know the guy I hang around with? Zay Babineaux." He keeps getting further into the conversation and I let out a sigh.

"Friar, stop. I won't help." He was getting more irritating by every second.

"For the love of God, Matthews! Let me fUcking finish!" He yells from the other side of the phone.

The way he raised his voice made me shut up. I didn't want to help him but I didn't want to argue over the phone. I'll just let him talk and when he is done I'll say no and hang up.

"Thank you." He sighs and keeps going. "Zay's mom got this stupid idea to invite you over for dinner at her house. Me, you, Zay and her. She was...really excited for you to come and eat dinner with us."

I furrow my brows. "What's the catch?"

"The catch?"

"Yeah, the favour. What do you need me for?" I ask suspicious.

He laughs awkwardly. "You see, Zay's mom is like a mother to me and she wanted the best for me. Like mothers do, you know? Like good grades, good future, suitable girlfriend."

Do you hear my heart? No? Neither do I become it just stopped beating.

"Y..you want me to...?" I stutter.

"To play along to be my..yeah, that." He says awkwardly.

I shake my head even if he couldn't see it, "No, no, no, no,"

"Just for tonight, Matthews. I promise! She got so excited when Zay told her I got a girlfriend and when she asked who I panicked." He says hurriedly, hoping for me to stop mumbling no.

Game On, Pretty Boy. ♕ RUCASTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang