♕ Chapter Seventeen ♕ - We Are Cory And Topanga.

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Riley's POV.

          "Maya, it's an emergency! You and your mom have to come to Topanga's now!" I yell into the phone and quickly turn the call off. 

Farkle's eyes were wide and he gave me a nod. "So? You think they will show up?"

"Of course they will, Farkle." I wave my hand in dismiss and shake my head. "When she hears the message I left her, she will rush down here with her mom not caring about even asking what it is about." 

"I hope you're right," He sounded unsure about it all, once again. 

I wrinkle my forehead and walk up to sit next to him. I press my hand on his shoulder and lean my head to rest it on my hands. "Farkle, I know you care a lot about Maya and you don't want her to get hurt again. But I told you, once Shawn tells them the reasons he left New York, they will understand. I'm sure they will."

He clenches his jawline and peeks down at me. "And what if whatever Shawns reason is, they won't buy it?" 

Why wouldn't they? He left and he has a good reason, I know he does. 

"Maya will never speak to us again, Riley." His voice was shaking and so was his hands. I grab one with my hand and tried to calm him down. 

"Farkle, she won't get to the point where she will never talk to us. Maya may get pissed at us for doing it in the beginning but then she will thank us." I assure him, again.

He heaves a sigh, his eyebrows knicked together. He looked worried, I can't blame him. I am too. If my plan goes wrong, one wrong move and everything will go down the drain.

"There you are," I hear a familiar voice. Moms voice to be more exact.

We both turn to look at mom walking inside the café with dad hot on her heels.

"So, what's the plan, Riley?" He asks, his lips in a thin line.

I look at all of them and stand up, drawing my hands on my lap to take away the sticky sweat from them.

"Well," I breath out. "We call Shawn and tell him you and mom are getting a divorce. You don't answer any questions, just say it and hang up."

"A divorce?" Mom said, making what I said sound stupid.

I nod.

Dad shook his head. "He won't fall for that, Riley."

"Why not?" Farkle asked, taking a stand next to me.

They look at each other and then turn their gazes to focus on us.

"We are Cory and Topanga." They say in unison, shrugging their shoulders like it was obvious. Their voices were lacing with humor.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Farkle. "So," I turned my gaze back to my parents. "What are you telling him then?"

Mom bit her lower lip, thinking hardly about something to use. Dad, on the other hand, opened his mouth to say something but ends up letting out a chuckle instead, shaking his head.

"What?" Mom asks, looking strangely at him.

He keeps shaking his head, a smile plastered on his face as he lifts his head and notices all of us staring at him, confused. He gives us a wide eyed look and his gaze run between all the three of us.

"Well," He drawls and puts his hands together. "I know how we can make him come."

Mom, Farkle and I look at each other and then at dad. I had a feeling dads idea would make Shawn show up but I was also scared. 

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