♕ Chapter Five ♕ - Or Maybe It Backfires..

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Riley's POV.

"When exactly is he here, Riles?" Maya asks in excitement as she jumps up and down on my bed.

She has been running around the house, jumping up and down, climbing every– okay I'm gonna make this short.

My uncle Josh's coming.

Now, you may wonder why Maya would be so excited about my uncle coming over here and the answer is easy and short. She likes him. She's had this major crush on him since we were kids but nothing really happened.

The thing is, Josh is three years older than Maya. It's not much, really, but for him it's enough to stay away. Maya on the other hand thinks the opposite.

"Maya, he'll be here–" I got cut off by my moms holler from the kitchen.

"Riley, uncle Josh is here!"

Before I could react, Maya gasps and hops off the bed, racing in to the living room with me short behind her. When we come to the living room, she stops and looks around, flipping with her hair like she doesn't care.

Josh is standing in front of us, talking to my mom and dad about his life after college. He got his own place and is now working in some industry -I really don't know- and the apartment he got is not so far away from here.

"So what now?" My dad asks as he takes a seat at the table.

Josh shrugs and ruffles his hair before answering. "Now," he trails off. "Now I'll be working and paying taxes, like you big bro."

Dad gives out a throaty laugh, "Yeah, lil bro."

Maya grabs my arm, "Let's pretend we don't know he's here."

I nod my head at her and she nods once. When she lets go of my arm, "Uncle Josh!"

Maya gives me a glare with her mouth agape and she mouths. 'Trader.'

"Niece!" He walks up to me and gives me a bear hug. It's been a few weeks since last time I saw him but it always felt like forever to be honest. "Oh, I've missed you, kiddo."

He ruffles my hair and I snap it away, "We saw each other like, three weeks ago?"

He furrow his brows, "Four I think."

See, four weeks and he misses me like crazy.

I hear Maya clearing her throat from behind and it seemed like I wasn't the only one to notice it. Josh looks behind me and smiles, he walks past me and over to Maya whom is twirling a strand of hair with her finger not even bothering to look at him.

"Hey, Maya." Josh smiles down at her, "Long time no seen."

"Mhm," Is all Maya says.

Josh furrows his brows and chuckles, "How've you been?"

She sighs, still not giving him one glance. "Good, you?"

"I've been good, yeah." I can see the smirk tugging on his lips when he turns around and let's out a sigh. "You know, I've been working out."

Maya's head snaps up and she looks at him but he had his back turned in her direction. He gives me a wink and smirks and I had to bite my tongue to not let a boom of laugher escape.

"So?" Maya says simply and tires to look away.

He shrugs, "My arms really hurt, you know? Ever since I started working out, these biceps have been killing me. And don't let me even start on my–"

He gets cut of by a hyper Maya who is now dangling on his back, with a firm grip around his neck and torso. Josh lets out a shrike and tries to snuggle her off of him but Maya won't let go.

Game On, Pretty Boy. ♕ RUCASWhere stories live. Discover now