♕ Chapter Four ♕ - Hit Me Baby One More Time.

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Riley's POV.

"I'm happy you decided to come to my party," Charlie says as we dance in the middle of his living room with a bunch of people surrounding us.

We've been talking a lot and we've come much closer now. He asked me stuff about myself, I answered and then I did the same to him. It was fun and I wanted to know more about him. He was too sweet and charming and he sure can dance.

"Yeah, me too." I smile up at him. I told him about how I got here. That I had to lie to my parents and that I sneaked out. I'm not a fan of parties, I had said.

I looked around, not knowing what to say or do. Yes, we were dancing but we kept a good distance and I'm happy for that. I don't know what I would do if–

As I stood there, lost in my thoughts, I felt Charlie taking steps closer to me. I gulped and my throat felt dry but I didn't look at him, I kept my eyes away from him. But did that stop him? No.

The music had changed to a slow dance song and Charlie was now in front of me. This time, he wasn't a few feet away no. This time, I could feel his breath on the side of my head, fanning me. I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath. I see why Lucas calls me shaky.

"Dance with me, Riley."

He sneaks his hand around my waist and pulls me flat on him. His breath was still fanning me and I could feel his eyes bore a hole in my skull, waiting for me to turn my head and meet his eyes. My heart started beating faster and I felt sweaty. Ew, of all times, you choose now to sweat?

"I..I.." I was stuttering. Just great.

"Riley.." He whispers in my ear and my eyes closed even more, if that's possible.


"Would you like–"

In that moment the music stopped blasting and all you could hear was the people screaming. When they had realised that the music was off, they started mumbling things and some even shouts a little 'boo'.

Charlie looks behind me on the DJ whom was struggling with the music. Poor guy.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." He smiles at me and I give him a half smile.

When he walks away I could finally let out a sigh in relief. I could relax and not be all stone body.

I look around the room in attempt to find Maya and Farkle but I can't see them anywhere. Perhaps they're somewhere in the crowd and I just can't see them.

I let out a little shrike when I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me out of the crowd. The person was dragging me all the way out to Charlie's pool. There were a few people surrounding the pool so I wasn't alone with this kidnapper.

I turn around and jerk my wrist out of his hold, "What the–"

"Oh come on, you should be thanking me I saved you from that prick," Lucas' voice ring in my ear and that's who dragged me all the way out here.

"Why did you drag me? You could've just told me to come with you!" I stomp my foot and let out a little hmpf afterwards.

He rolls his eyes and takes a sip of the beer he has in his hand. I didn't see he held that thing in his hand.

"You would've said no."

I glare at him, "Still. You didn't have to drag me," I add a little emphasis on 'drag' and he raises his eyebrow.

"Oh, come on Shaky." He gives me a little push on the shoulder and grins. "Don't be such a buzz killer. I just helped you get away from that fUcker, be glad."

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