♕ Chapter Two ♕ - What Do I Tell My Parents?

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Riley's POV.

We sat down by the table nearest the door, our usual seat to be more specific. Me, Maya and Farkle weren't outcasts, we were simply just core three; Me, Maya and Farkle. We have been best friends since kindergarten and now we're in the beginning of senior year. We have been through thick and thin, never left each other's side and that's pretty much what we would keep doing all our lives.

The thing about us that makes us...well, us is our personalities and pasts. Farkle is a genius. He knows everything about anything and anyone. He loves learning new things and his favourite subject was science. His personality is what I love the most about him. He is sweet and caring. He always looks after me and Maya, no matter what happens he will always be there for us. He could do anything to make us happy and whenever one of us is down, he brings us back up.

Maya is the one with a rough past. Her dad left her and Katy, Maya's mom, when Maya was just a few months. She didn't remember much about him, only what her mom had told her. After Maya's dad left she lost all hope. Hope for happiness, fate, destiny and love. He had taken that away from her, the most important thing. Maya and her mother didn't have the best life after that. Her mother worked as a waitress at a old diner and she didn't really get paid that much. But Maya as a person is amazing. Just like Farkle, she would do anything for her friends and she also is the one that stands up for herself.

And I, well I'm just Riley. I don't have a rough past, I'm not a genius; I'm Riley Matthews. My dad is a teacher in our school and my mom is a lawyer. Auggie, my brother, is my only sibling. My family hasn't been through rough times and everything with me was plain boring, I guess. I didn't really know my personality. I love taking care of my friends and make them happy whatever the cost. I'm hyper and I love seeing good in people. That's me, Riley Matthews.

"So," Farkle picked up his fork, digging in the food on his plate. "I heard Missy's party last night was something."

I felt something hit my foot and I knew it was Maya because she was giving me a frown. "Yeah," I sighed. "I heard that too."

"I just don't know why we didn't go guys!" Maya whined. "Core three on that party, it would've been so amazing!"

Farkle laughed and shook his head, "Yeah, right."

I took a sip from my water and turned to look at Maya. "Maya, Missy doesn't like us. Even if we went to her party, it wouldn't have been amazing. She would've either throw us out or embarrassed us."

It was true, she hated us for some odd reason. We hadn't done anything wrong but still, she had some kind of hatred against us.

"Riley's right, Maya." Farkle piped in. "Missy has something against us and until we know what and why, we should keep a safe distance from that witch."

"Fine." She grumps and stuffed her mouth full with food.

I chuckled and started to dig in. But it didn't take long until I felt Maya hitting my foot again, harder this time.

I looked up at her and furrowed my eyebrows. "Ouch! Maya stop hitting my foot, it hurts."

She gulped and looked at something behind me. I kept furrowing my eyebrows and sighed, "Maya, what's wrong?" She pointed behind me and I turned around.

My breath hitched and I chocked on the food in my mouth. Green eyed, dirty blonde jerk was standing in front of me and he was looking down at me.

"Hey there, Shaky." He greeted me and sat down on the seat next to me.

I looked at him, confused as to why he was sitting here, with us.

Lucas Friar, also known as, the schools playboy. I don't really know this guys story but I do know what I've seen and heard. He is the biggest player in this school, the pretty boy, Mr. Perfect, every girls dream. Well, except mine. He had played almost every girl in this school and other girls outside the school too. He played with their hearts and threw them away like tissues whenever he had used them. He was the reason all girls got their heart broken but they still admired him, like he was some kind of God. Lucas was one of the popular kids which is the main reason as to why I was confused and surprised he is sitting with us.

Game On, Pretty Boy. ♕ RUCASWhere stories live. Discover now