♕ Chapter TwentyNine ♕ - I Want You.

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Lucas' POV.

"This will take forever, Luke." Zan says on the other line of the phone. "We won't find him there."

"It's worth a shot," I heave a sigh, running a hand through my already messy hair. I had been sitting in my car for fourty minutes, waiting to catch a glimpse of Charlie anywhere. 

"Why do you even suggest this place?" He asks, "And me checking there? Come on, dud–"

"Maybe, if you stopped complaining all of the goddamn time, we would find him, Zay."

"OK," he sighs in defeat, "just saying, though...she's your girlfriend. Not mine."

I roll my eyes, peeking out of the window to my car. It was raining in Greenwich, probably in every place in New York. It was that time of the year; fall. Leaves change color and soon fall, the bark of the tree becoming increasingly mossy and harder for every day closer to winter season. It was a nice season, I like fall. Nothing really special about it, just always seemed to like it. 

"Hey," I scratch my chin as I follow every person passing by with a sharp look, "just look, okay? He may be there and if he's not, fine leave. If he is, call me."

"And you'll do what?" He snorts, "Drive down here and kick his ass? How will you explain how you knew he was there, huh?"

"I won't." 

"Wha–Lucas," he sighs heavily.

"Listen, Zay. Just look, I'll handle the rest."

"Fine. I'll check on your girl." He finishes and hangs up, leaving me to chuckle to myself. My girl.

Everything between me and Riley has been good since I told her about the bet. She was angry at first, but forgave me at last. 

That's how I thought it would turn out. But I didn't tell her. I had the perfect chance to, but didn't. I took her out to dinner at a beautiful little place out of Greenwich. There were music, food and dancing. Almost like our first date. 

And I took the corouge to say I had something iimportant to tell her. But when I looked into her big, brown sparkling eyes – I couldn't do it. I know how that night would've ended if I did, so I became a coward and freaked out. 

She, of course, noticed me freaking out and told me it was okay, that I could tell her when I was ready. Which basically means I don't have to tell her right now, right? I mean she gave me time to do it.

But then again, she doesn't really know what it's about. I just want to be honest with her until Charlie the Freak Gardner makes his move and tells her. If the thruth doesn't come from me, she'll never forgive me for it. And the feelings I have for her have been growing stronger and bigger with every moment I have spent with her, I can't take the risk of losing her. Not now and not ever. She's changed me in ways I thought was impossible, in ways no one has ever succeeded to change me. 

Riley has made me consider going to college, actually. I didn't think about college before, it just never seemed like something I could do. But she's been helping me with classes, even if I strictly told her not to and told her I'm fine working as just a car mechanic or something else that doesn't expect top grades from me. But she didn't consider that an option. Instead we've been having study dates through the weeks, at her place, the library and sometimes even at Topanga's. I haven't failed a single test or pop quiz ever since. We started just a few weeks ago, but still, it feels good knowing someone has hope for me. 

And I stopped cutting classes. Now I go to classes with Riley and when we don't have classes together I go with Farkle, Zay and sometimes even Maya. She's still being sceptic about this whole me and Riley dating seeing as she things I will break her heart or something. But I've been getting on her good side. Maybe not totally on her good side, but it's a start. And I know Farkle likes me, it's obvious. The guy is always on my side when Maya tries to find flaws on me. Me and Zay has taken Farkle inside our little group with us two, Brandon, Billy, Mike and Zeek. 

Game On, Pretty Boy. ♕ RUCASDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora