♕ Chapter TwentyFive ♕ - Haunting Memory.

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Riley's POV.

"Lucas, where are we?" I ask, looking around me at the empty road and forest in front of us. "I've never seen this place before."

"Good, " he laughs shortly, turning to look at me just a few seconds before looking ahead of him again. "then this will be new and exciting for you." 

I feel my brows drawing together, in pure and utter confusuion. Lucas wanted to take me out on another "adventure" of his, not telling me where we were going. I didn't have to know why, he already told me; he wanted to spend as much with me as possible. 

At first, I thought it was some kind of code for something. Like, him leaving town or dying. But when I asked him why, he said, "Don't be ridicolous. You're my girl, I've been wasting too much time running away from you and from us. I want to make it up to you."

I'd be lying if I say I didn't fall on the ground with jelly legs. I mean, come on, you'd be lying too if you say that you just rolled your eyes and called him 'cheesy'. 

I felt the wind brush past me as we drove down the empty, open road ahead of us. It was a silent night, the only noise coming from the owl and the crickets. We had the radio on, but I had turned the volyume down once I noticed that the moon was up. I love the music that was on, Lukas Graham 'Take The World by Storm', but it felt more....soothing with the music more in the background, Lucas' free hand caressing my hand, the wind brushing past my face. 

The extra in extraordinary, this is it.

"How are you feeling, princess?" Lucas' deep, husky voice rang in my ears. 

I close my eyes, letting a smile creep up on my face. "Fantastic."

I hear him chuckling lightly, "I love y-the stars. Tonight." He cought.

My eyes open and my heart missed a heartbeat. I look at him, baffled by his sudden change of words. Was he going to...? I'm sure I must be wrong.

He shifts in his seat, uncomfortably moving his hand that he had on the wheel. His cheeks held the light colour of pink on them. 

"Uhm.." I start, doubtful of what to actually say in this very moment. "Yeah...the stars are beautiful."

He starts nodding eagirly. "Yes, yes. They really are..." I catch him throwing me a side-look in the corner of my eye. "dazzling."

I let my eyes fall upon the grey moon that shone bright. It wasn't that late, around 8 PM if I was correct. But around autumn the sun would disappear earlier and the moon would take its place on the dark blue sky, surrounded by the small but bright stars. 

I loved that about autumn. It was a beautiful season. It shows that not only people die, but everything that surrounds us on a daily basis also dies. Not just animals, but nature too. The leafs turn orange mixde with red and yellow, creating a beautiful mix of colors. The grass' color dies and turns into a shade of brown. Not a disgusting kind of brown, but more like a shade that is light and has that little kind touch to it. The air isn't as warm and soothing. It becomes colder yet, somehow the soothing is still there. Stuck in the breeze. 

Then there was the sky. The clear blue sky. It becomes darker much faster, the stars take place on the sky earlier and the moon does too. I'm not complaining about the fact that the days are shorter or that it's colder. I like it that way. I like that season changes, that we get to see other sides of the beautiful, majestic planet we call earth, home. 

"What are you thinking about?" Lucas' voice ring like a beautiful melody in my ears, soothing me to close my wide open eyes and inhale. 

My lips tug upwards, a small smile showing. "Everything."

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