♕ Chapter TwentySix ♕ - The Dream-Boy Thief.

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Riley's POV. 


I groan, throwing my hand over the alarm clock on my night-stand table. I try to sit up, yawning and streching out my arms in the air, closing my eyes hard. After a while of trying to make myself sit up on my bed, I look over to the clock.

07:00 AM. Monday. 

"School." I cry out. 

It feels like forever since I last went to school. It was just a short weekend; friday, saturday and sunday. The usual. But everything that happened on the weekend made it feel like a lifetime. 

It's not like I don't miss going to school, I actually do. Not because of the homework and classes, but mostly because I can hang out with my friends for a whole day without our families telling us to come home. It was just me and my two best friends. And now, Lucas and his "gang", I guess. 

Wait, does us being a couple mean that we hang out with each others friends? It does, right? I'm not being dumb or anything, yeah?

I throw the sheets off of my body, the coldness making contact with my skin. I shudder, thinking back to five minutes ago when I had the sheets over me, laying in my bed, sleeping. It was just five minutes ago, but it feels like ages ago. But I had to get ready, it's autumn and we are too close to the end of this semester, winter break coming closer. I couldn't let myself fall off the track now, I need to keep my grades up. 

Determinded, I stand up and make my way to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror nad realized, I never took a shower last night. My skin felt sticky and my hair looked as if I had dipped it in a bucket filled with oil. 

Grimacing at my own reflection, I start stripping off my pyjamas and walking inside the shower. I made sure to turn on the hot water and not the cold water. When the hot water touched my skin I let out a lightful moan, goosebumps showing on every inch of my body. It was pleasuring, relaxing. 

After rubbing some shampoo and conditioner in my hair, I was finally done and stepped out of the shower. I took a towel and wrapped it around my naked body before walking out of the bathroom and in to my room again. 

It didn't take that long until I was finished with dressing myself and drying my hair. I just picked out a suitable outfit for the chilly weather. A big, coosy sweater, some blue jeans and a pair of white socks. I didn't want to go out with wet hair, so, after blow-drying it I made sure to put it up in a ponytail. I was not risiking anything. 

I swiftly press in my school supplies in my bag-pack and rush out the bedroom. Walking in to the kitchen, the scent of eggs and coffee reches my nostrils and I close my eyes, enjoying the small of moms breakfast. 

"Good morning, honey." Mom says, smiling over her shoulder at me. 

I smile back, "Morning, mom."

"How did you sleep?" She asks, flipping the eggs on the frying pan. 

"Good," I say. Not that I meant it. But I said it anyways. I had nightmares of that night again. It sure was haunting me, every part of my mind was remembering that night piece by piece. It wasn't something you could just go through and years later forget. It's stuck there. Holding you hostage in your own mind. Not letting go of you. 

I try to make the smile on my face look real and wide, "Yeah, good."

Mom smiles, tilting her head to the side. "That's good. Now, eat your eggs. You don't want to eat them cold, now, do you?"

I laugh, "Yeah. Because no one likes cold eggs."

She shrugs, "Oh, some people do. You just happen to not be one of them." She says, winking at me.

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