♕ Chapter Nineteen ♕ - The Plan Is Working.

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Lucas POV.

          "Can I get another beer?" I say, putting down the empty bottle on the counter in front of me. 

The bartender nodded once, handing over another beer. "Here you go."

I grab the bottle and take a good, long sip of the beer. The taste tasted like it always did, going down my throat. It felt like sandpaper but I still drank it. I didn't really care how it felt when I drank, how much my throat hurt. All I cared about was that the alcohol washed away any thought I had. 

I didn't feel like going home after I left Zay's place. So, instead of going home, I jumped in my car and drove down to an empty street with only bars and clubs. Not feeling like going to a club, I went to the first bar I laid my eyes upon. 

And here I was. For fifteen minutes, drinking beer.

"Hey," A voice say from my right side. I turn my head slowly, my eyes caching a hot blonde standing next to me, leaning against the counter in a short, tight black dress. Her eyes were plain blue, nude colored lips and a bunch of other makeup covering her face. 

I didn't greet her. I just looked her up and down and even though she was hot, I didn't try to make a move on her. Something told me not to do it and I didn't feel like putting up a fight with myself for the moment. 

She was definitely a stubborn one because instead of taking a hint and leaving, she takes the seat next to me, not tearing her eyes away. She places her elbow on the counter, resting her chin on her palm. 

"What?" She says, trying to make it sound sexy in a bad, husky voice. I look at her, not expression showing. She scoots closer to me, placing her hand on my arm, biting her lower lip. 

Does she call that trying to seduce me?

"You're not going to buy a pretty girl a drink?" She then says.

I sighed. Grabbing her hand, I lift it and place it on the counter, away from my arm. "No. I'm not." 

She was take aback by my respond but she didn't back down. 

"You're here alone?" 

"Yes." I take a sip from my beer.

But when it was going down my throat, it gets stuck in my throat when I feel her hand on my thigh. "So...why not buy me a drink?" 

I give her a look of annoyance and grab her hand, removing it from my leg. 

She sighed, "Or you can be a dic-" 

I stand up from my seat and walk out of the bar. Ever since two days ago back in school when Riley answered my question when we were standing in the parking lot, I've been feeling weird. What do you even call it?

I've been thinking about her answer for two days, straight. Nothing else has entered my mind except that. 


I looked down and took a few steps closer. I look up and meet her eyes, my face probably serious. "Do you see me as a monster?"

She furrowed her brows and tilted her head to the side like she always did when she got confused about stuff, shaking it slowly. "No."

I raised one eyebrow and nodded. "Yeah?"

She nodded, looking all innocent.

"Not even a little?" I asks.

She shook my head, again. "No. I don't."

–end of flashback–

I shook my head once I sat inside the car, my hands resting on the wheel. Leaning my head forward to rest it towards my hands, I heaved a sigh. 

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