♕ Chapter Fifteen ♕ - I Wouldn't Call It A date.

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Lucas POV.

          "This is torment." I say and crash my lips into hers.

She wasn't ready for that kind of action, I noticed it by the way she was caught off guard when our lips touched. But when she realized what happened, she kissed back.

Our lips moved in sync and her sweet, soft lips made me loose my mind. I sneaked my arm around her waist and pulled her body closer to mine, deepening the kiss. It didn't get too heated up, but it felt good. The way our lips moved together, how my arm around her waist seemed to put all the pieces into their right places.

I've never felt this before. This weird feeling.

I should've let go the second our lips touched, but I couldn't. I didn't want to.

The feeling felt so real, so amazing. So perfect. It felt as if something actually happened in the exact moment that our lips touched. Something great. Some sort of...spark.

What is wrong with me? What am I saying? Am I...could I be fal-

Riley pulls away and takes a breath. She was breathing heavily, her chest jumping up and down. She looks up to meet my eyes and I saw her lips twisting, a smile showing.


I leaned my forehead against hers and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


"Why did you..eh..what was that?" She stutters, unable to make a sentence.

"It was a eh..kiss." I say in a husky voice.

I see the blush creeping up to her cheeks in embarrassment and I chuckle.

"Uhm..why did you..you know.." She mumbles.

"Spontaneously kiss you?" I raise an eyebrow.

She looks down and nod her head.

I open my mouth to answer her but then I remembered...I didn't have an answer. Why did I kiss her?

The bet?

Of course, but I can't tell her that.

"I don't know."

The words fell out of my mouth without even thinking through it.

She looks up at me and furrows her eyebrows. She takes a few steps back, letting my arms fall to my sides and she opens and closes her mouth, not sure what to say. She looked lost and I don't blame her.

Who the fUck says 'I don't know' when someone asks why you kissed them?!

"I think I should leave."

She turns to the bed and picks up her bag pack where she had put it down and turns to look at me one last time before heading towards the door. She opens it and steps outside. Soon I hear the front door slam close and it went dead silent.

I close my eyes and inhale. Idiot. What is wrong with me?

"You screwed up real bad, Friar."


Riley's POV.

I slammed the front door shut and start walking away from his yard.

He kissed me and his reason was 'I don't know'. I gave my first kiss to someone who didn't know why he kissed me for. He could've been real at that moment. Tell me the real reason why.

But I guess there wasn't a reason. He was just playing, like he always does.

I start making my way away from his street when I hear a car horn honking behind me. I don't stop walking nor do I turn around to see who it was.

Game On, Pretty Boy. ♕ RUCASWhere stories live. Discover now