♕ Chapter TwentyEight ♕ - We just have to get rid of Charlie.

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Lucas' POV.

I took another sip of the beer I was holding on to with my hand, Zay pacing in front of me with a beer bottle in his hand as well. 

"So, he knows about the bet?" He asks for the third time. 

I heave a sigh, running my hands through my already messy, dirty blonde hair. "Yes, Zay. For the third time," I close my eyes and throw my head backwards. "yes, he knows about the bet."

"B-but how!" He threw his hands up, spilling some beer on the floor of his room. "How, Lucas?!"

"Does it look like I know?!" I stood up, pissed t the thought of Charlie using the information he had gathered against me, towards Riley. We are in a good place, me and her, and I don't need him to come and ruin it. 

Zay exhales, thinking about a solution to this problem. 

I shrug, "Why can't I just beat him up?"

He turns around, giving me a look that told me I was being 'oh so insane'. "Are you insane?" 

I roll my eyes, "Zay, he will use this against me! I can't sit around and wait for him to give up, you know he won't give up until he has me in the palm of his hand." 

"Lucas," Zay placed the bottle on his table next to a pile of papers. "You can't beat him up because that won't make Charlie shut up." He gave me a knowing look. "You know that, I know that and Charlie knows that too. The guy may be scrawney and not so tough when it comes to fighting and punching, but he has a high IQ."

"So?" I furrow my brows. 

"So," he raises his brows. "he knows his ways to get into your head. You know how he is, he plays with your head until you're all lost and can't find your way out of the darkness, and then..." he stopped, shaking his head. "BAM!" throwing his hands in front of him, making me jump a litte. "He has you in his hands."

"Look, Zay, I can't risk it." I say thruthfully. "I can't risk losing Riley when I finally got her. And," I stop and let the image of her smiling come up in my head until I continue. "And I know we haven't been dating for that long, but I really like her and I need to make this work,–..."

"We just have to get rid of Charlie." he finishes my sentence.

"Yeah," I breath out.

I really like her and this kind of love and care is new for me. I've felt some sort of love before, but she wasn't like Riley. She was different, a bad kind of different. I didn't feel like myself when I was with her and I needed to get away from her. But the thought of leaving her killed me and I couldn't be away from her. She made me lose control but it was only in the sexual way.

Now it's different. I can trust Riley. I know I can becasue she is too pure and too innocent. She sees the good in people. She looked past the monster I was and saw a boy. And the way she makes me lose control is different. Just one glance and I feel my mind getting all messed up and I can't breath. 

She's a better version of her. A much better version and I need her to control myself and keep the beast locked up. 

If I lost Riley, God knows what harm would come with that.

Zay snapped with his finger making me shake away my current thoughts. I eye him carefully, not really sure why he seemed so proud of.

"I got it."

I blink, "G-got what?"

He rolled his eyes, "How we are going to get rid of Charlie."

I rub my hands agansti my legs, "So?" I wasn't going to lie – I was nervous. How would I know if whatever plan Zay had come up with would work? Either way, I will have to tell Riley the truth. There is no other way to build our relationship on. 

Game On, Pretty Boy. ♕ RUCASWhere stories live. Discover now