Ichigo x Reader

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"Weeeeee!" You scream as a hollow is chasing you through the streets of Karakura town. "(Y/N) that's dangerous! Stop acting like a damn kid!" You stop and turn to look at him and as the hollow is about to eat you, Ichigo comes and slashes it through the head. "Yay! You did it Ichigo!" You hug him around his neck as he blushes madly. "D-damnit! That was dangerous! You could of seriously been killed! I can't have you acting like a child everytime we fight hollows!" "Relax strawberry. I'm trying to have fun, it can seriously get boring if you just go around slashing them." "This is no game! Are you an idiot!?" "Whatever let's just go home." You say as you skip past him. "Makes me wish Rukia comes back sooner." Ichigo mumbled but you clearly heard and your heart dropped.

Rukia was summoned back to the soul society about 3 months ago and you were sent here in her place. Ever since you arrived you instantly took a liking to Ichigo and throughout the 3 months, you fell in love with him. You didn't want to leave him, you've contacted Rukia about a month ago and she was ready to come back, but you begged her to stall a little longer since you wanted to have more time with Ichigo and she happily obliged and let you stay.

When you both arrived home Ichigo and you went to his room. He grabbed some clothes saying he was going for a quick shower. "Okay, um Ichigo, I might go out in about 5 minutes so don't wait up for me okay?" He looks at you confused but nods and heads to the shower. You made your way out of the house turning to look back at it sadly.

The next day Ichigo wakes up and looks at his clock. His eyes widen and rushes to get ready, he checks his closet where you usually sleep seeing it's empty. "What the?" He ignores it thinking you already went to school and makes his way over there. When he gets to school he sees a group surrounding someone, he gets closer and realizes it's Rukia.

"Rukia? What are you doing here? Where's (Y/N)?" Rukia makes a sad face but quickly changes it. "My business in the Soul society is over...I came back, she was just a replacement remember?" He nods and sits in his seat. He was disturbed that you didn't tell him you were leaving. He was also bothered by the fact that you didn't say goodbye. He felt empty without you, you weren't here to make him smile everyday. Sure he'd always called you a kid, but that was because he was embarrassed, or concerned about you.
-A week later-

Rukia saw how sad Ichigo looked. He was always thinking about you, he regretted you leaving. Rukia smacked Ichigo's head "Ow! What was that for!?" "If you love (Y/N), why did you let her leave?" "I didn't even know she was leaving! W-wait! What do you mean love her!?" Ichigo blushes and Rukia shakes her head. "(Y/N) was in love with you too you know..." "Was?" Rukia pulls Ichigo up from his bed "Come on! What are you waiting for? You need to tell her you idiot!" Ichigo smiles thanking Rukia heading towards Urahara's shop.

Ichigo opens the door panting. You and Urahara turn confused "Ichigo?" "(Y-Y/N) you're here?" You nod "I needed some products for the Captains, why are you here?" Ichigo suddenly embraces you an you blush. "I-Ichigo?" Urahara exits the room, leaving you both alone. "(Y/N), I'm sorry." "Sorry for what?" "I didn't want you to leave...I'm actually in love with you." You hug him tight, "I love you too, I thought you loved Rukia." He shakes his head. "Please, don't leave again." You look at him Sadly. "I'm sorry, Ichigo. I'm still a soul reaper, and I'm obligated to go back." "Then...will you be my girlfriend?" You look up to see Ichigo blushing nonstop making you laugh. "Of course strawberry." You both kiss and hear a camera snap.

You both turn to a nosy Urahara holding a camera. "Hehe, Ichigo, you look great." He waves the photo teasingly. "Damnit Urahara!!!"

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