Kensei x Reader

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Jealous:Kensei x Chubby:Reader
A/N: Sorry Guys I didn't mean to Update-it just happened, I barely checked right after I got outta school😢 btw Kensei is HOT❤️ xD

Kensei turned to the sound of rapid footsteps only to be embraced tightly by you. "(Y/N)!?" You look up at him to smile brightly, making him blush slightly while looking away. "I got into a squad! I actually got chosen Kensei!" You hug him even tighter causing him to place a hand on the top of your head trying to push you away. "Oi! Get off of me!" You whine trying to hold on as he manages to move you away. "I swear you and Mashiro only like to make my life harder!" You calm down and pout, you were Mashiro's sister but you looked nothing alike, she was slender and beautiful plus she was your love's lieutenant.

You were younger than her of course, not to mention stronger, but that didn't matter to you if you couldn't be close to Kensei. You had fallen for the grey haired captain while visiting your sister in her squad. Even if he was rude and annoyed almost all the time-you couldn't help but find the good in him attractive. You knew he would never see you as a woman; because he called you kid-and because you were fat. He never mentioned your weight though, nobody ever did which you were grateful about but that still didn't help your self esteem, or your self conscious.

"Ne Don't worry (Y/N)! Kensei is just embarrassed around you~" Mashiro says in a teasing voice from behind. Kensei popped an irritated vain trying to attack Mashiro only to be stopped by his subordinates. You only stare quietly thinking how nice they look together, almost like a married couple. Making a sad smile you flash step away to your squad barracks.

You stand there with a gloomy face holding a tray of tools as your captain Kisuke does research of some sort-you don't even know why you got in this squad, sciencey things weren't your type of work. A big warm hand on your head interrupts your thoughts, you look to see your captain with a worried face. "(Y/N)-chan, why so sad?" "Uh-it's really nothing captain!" He ruffles your hair, "I know what you need." He pulls out a cookie making your eyes sparkle "t-thanks Captain!!!" You place the tray down and happily eat it, no longer remembering why you were gloomy.

Mashiro stared worriedly at her captain, he was more pissed off and annoyed than the usual. They were walking down Sereitei until Kensei stops abruptly, Mashiro shifts her line of vision from her captain to see her sister and her captain. She then smirked at the sight, Captain Urahara was offering a treat to (Y/N) with a gentle smile as she blushed. "Ohhhh~ is Kensei jealous~" Kensei grew an irk mark suddenly going over quickly "(Y/N)!"

As you were about to take the snack from your teasing captain you heard someone shout your name angrily. Turning you see Kensei with the angriest face ever, your captain stayed surprised where he was. "K-Kensei-" he throws you over his shoulder easily as you turn red as a tomato- He's so strong! And his arms are so muscular. He glares at Urahara stomping away somewhere until he puts you down in a place where you're alone. "What's wrong Kensei?" "Quit acting all lovey dovey with him! It might look like you're lovers to some people you know!" "And why would you care!?" "Because I love you, you brat!" You both stay silent as he blushes turning around. "N-no way! You would never love me! I'm fat and immature, you like Mashiro and there is no way-" he punches a hole next to your face on the wall, silencing you with your eyes wide. "Shut up. Don't ever talk bad about yourself ever again it's annoying.........and besides...I like women with a little meat in them." He finishes with a whisper as your eyes tear up, you knew this was his nicest way of declaring his love. You hug him as he strokes your head. "I love you Kensei." "Yeah yeah, I love you too. So stop hanging out with that bastard." "But he's my captain-" "To hell with it! I'll transfer you to my squad." You giggle walking back with him to Mashiro and your captain who were smirking. "What are you smirking about brats?" "Nice way of declaring your love." "Wh-what!?" "I always plant a chip on my subordinates~" it took a lot of people to restrain Kensei from attacking the laughing Urahara. You only sighed pleased with the fact that you and Kensei had mutual feelings.

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