Byakuya x Reader

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You hum happily holding a cake in your hands and making your way to the Captain's office. Everyone looked at you with pity and you only raise a brow wondering why. You shrug it off and see Renji outside the door of Byakuya's office and he quickly goes to you. "Oh hey (Y/N)! Um can I have this cake." He snatches it from you as you glare. "Renji!!!" You two bickered, you wondered what the hell was wrong with him. The door swung open and before you stood Byakuya with a blank face "What is going on here?" You were about to answer when you caught a glimpse behind him, there stood Hisana holding her own cake. You turn back to Byakuya and give him a smile. "Sorry Captain, Renji and I were just going for a walk, excuse us." You grabbed Renji's hand and dragged him along with you.

Byakuya felt a sting in his heart when he saw you walk away holding Renji's hand. He was also upset that you referred to him as Captain and not his name, he is your childhood friend and you didn't remember his birthday. He glared at the floor and was startled a bit as Hisana placed a hand on his shoulder. "Byakuya, let's eat the cake." He nods entering back in his office with her.

Once outside you let go of Renji's hand and made a sad face. "(Y/N), I'm sorry, I tried to tell you." "It's alright Renji. As long as Byakuya is happy." You walked away waving at him and Renji only stared at the cake in his hands, it was beautifully decorated, it almost didn't look like it was handmade. You decorated it with Byakuya's favorite Sakura petals he loved and in the middle stood his name. Renji couldn't possibly get rid of it so he decided to take it with him.

Later that day Byakuya stood outside glaring at the sky, Renji approached him from behind. "Captain... Happy Birthday." He grumbled a thanks and Renji sighed. "Do you and Hisana have a thing?" He glared "why would you say that?" "Because ever since she joined you and her have been together a lot." "We enjoy the same things, is that bad." "...No. But, it may not look good to a certain someone." Byakuya turned to him about to ask who until Renji placed the cake in his hands. "(Y/N) made this for you. She didn't get the chance to give it to you earlier and I just couldn't throw it away." Byakuya stood with wide eyes and silently cursed as he excused himself flash stepping making Renji smile.

You stood in the garden looking at the Sakura petals fall. This was yours and Byakuya's spot, you cherish it greatly. "Of course...she's prettier than me, gentler, stronger-" "But she's not you." You turn around surprised to see Byakuya there; with your cake. "B-Byakuya?" He embraces you with one arm and rests his chin on your head, you only blush taking in his scent. "I thought you didn't remember, why didn't you give this to me?" "You already had Hisana there, you didn't need me." He sighs and looks into your eyes "Hisana is just an acquaintance. Don't go off assuming things." You smile brightly at him with a tiny blush "okay...Happy Birthday, Byakuya!" Byakuya found it cute and kissed you gently as you kissed back. Once you pulled away you both sat and ate the cake, enjoying the scenery and each other's company.

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