Uryu x Reader

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You smiled in excitement as Uryu finished sewing up the last of your cosplay maid outfit. "Here you go (Y/N)." He says holding it up so you can see every part of it, you feed him many compliments as he scratches his neck embarrassed. "Thank you, I try my best." "You seriously are talented Ury-I mean um Ishida-kun." "I-it's alright, call me Uryu." He says smiling gently, you blushed nodding and trying to shake away the feeling in your stomach. "I'm gonna go try it on, please wait." He nods as you make your way to the girl's restroom smiling at the outfit.

Your class was doing a maid cafe for the school festival that is one week from now. You didn't want one of the theatre class's maid outfits so you kindly asked Uryu to make one for you. You saw him repairing his shirt the other day since you are his neighbor. Besides, you would have a unique hand made one and its from your crush. Finishing putting it on you smile and take a deep breath, here goes nothing. You walk back to the class and enter to see Uryu sewing up something else.

"Whatcha got there?" He jumps in surprise trying to hide whatever it was he was sowing and in the process he ended up pricking his finger with the needle. "Ah-ow, um it's nothing-" he stopped talking when he looks up at you. You bite your lip nervously "well?" He blushes a bit and stands up and clearing his throat. "You look lovely (Y/N)-but I think I still have to add a few things before you wear it!" You give him a confused look while inspecting it, finding nothing to fix. You shrug giving in since he's the expert here. "Um okay, and thanks for doing this Uryu." You smile sweetly at him, unaware you didn't see the tiny blush spread over his cheeks. He nods as you go to change back, "Anything for you (Y/N)." He says in a whisper with a smile.

On the day of the festival you were helping out in the back while waiting for Uryu to come drop off your finished outfit. As you were stirring something in a pot you friend called you. "(Y/N) Some nerd is waiting for you in the back." You shake your head and giggle heading to the other class. "Uryu!" "Hello (Y/N)! I brought your outfit, fixed to perfection." You grab it from his hand inspecting it and seeing now changes, you pull it above yourself and see that the only thing was that it was longer than before. "Uh-Uryu? Did you make it longer? It was okay the way it was before?" He pushes his glasses up clearing his throat. "Look (Y/N), I'm not very good at these types of things but I'm going to try...I -like you." He says looking down as your eyes widen. "And as a guy who likes you, It's only natural that I don't want any other guys looking at you, so that's why I made it longer." He finishes while turning away as red as a tomato. You smile happily and blush a bit as well.

You tackle him with a hug as he slowly hugs you too. "I like you as well Uryu." You say against his chest, he sighs happily as he pulls away and slowly places a kiss on your lips, it was a sweet and short one, but it was enough for you. "How about we explore after your shift?" You nod and turn about to go change into he grasps your arm. "Oh and here, I made this for you." He gives you a handkerchief with your name beautiful done. You were about to thank Uryu when you saw he wasn't there; probably too embarrassed by now. You giggle and sigh happily awaiting the time you'll get to spend with your new boyfriend later.

BLEACH Boys x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now