Ulquiorra x Reader

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"That's some really hardcore make up." You say rubbing Ulquiorra's face. "I told you I was born this way." You smile and hug him "and I'm glad they made you this way, you're so cute." You have been going out with Ulquiorra ever since the end of the Aizen thing. He fell in love with you while they held you captive and tortured you at Las Noches. You are from a noble shinigami family in Sereitei and that's why Aizen wanted you over on his side, but you resisted and ended up fighting on the good side. After it was all over you chose to spend your days in the human world along side Ulquiorra. You both were about Ichigo's age so you decided to enroll at his high school.

"Why are you always so close?" He says without emotion. "Because that's what human girls do to express their love to their partner, they cling to them." He nods and takes a note of it in his mind. You here whispers and look up to see boys glaring. When you arrived at this school, your looks attracted immediate attention. And you can say many were jealous of Ulquiorra claiming you as his, they don't know what you saw in the weird boy. Though on the contrary you couldn't believe that they didn't see the great in him like you did, after all; they didn't know about the whole soul reaper thing.

You instantly glare back at them, and they blush while looking away. You weren't gonna take none of their crap. Even if people thought of you as a nice girl you treated whoever disrespected Ulquiorra with ultimate hate, you were way way older than them by a couple hundred years anyway. You lean into the crook of Ulquiorra's neck with a pout. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" You shake a bit "why would you say that?" He moves away and looks at you in the eyes. "You do that neck thing everytime something is bothering you." You chuckle and look to the side "You know me so well." "I just observe everything you do." You sigh "I just hate how we draw so much attention. You get hateful glares while I get adoration. I don't want this for you while we are trying to be happy here. Humans are such idiots doing these kind of things." Ulquiorra grabs your face turning you to look at him "(Y/N), I'm an Espada. I used to kill. Some pesky little human hate isn't going to drive me away from you. It's not like I didn't recieve that from Grimmjow all the time." You giggle at the thought when Grimmjow used to be jealous of Ulquiorra all the time. "So don't worry, I may not be used to these kind of feelings but, I do know that I want to be with you. Meanwhile I understand what it is to love."

Tears brim the corner of your eyes as you blink them back. Ulquiorra surprisingly moved forward and crashed his lips on to yours giving you a full sweet kiss. When you pull away you hear your fanboys leave with a grunt. You turn to Ulquiorra wide eyed. "They already hate me, might as well take advantage of it." You blush and hug Ulquiorra once more, you totally loved your emotionless(for now) Espada boyfriend.

BLEACH Boys x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now