Toshiro x Reader (Lemon)

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You smile at the soul reapers greeting them as you pass by. You were very respected and loved among the fellow soul reapers in your squad. Many tried to claim your love but your heart belonged to someone else. You wave to your Captain from afar with a slight blush as he blushes and nods at you back. You giggle and proceed with your duties making your way down the hall.

Toshiro stares off towards your way and is startled as Rangiku slings an arm around his shoulders, Rangiku being taller can have its advantages. "Heeeeey Captain! I sawwww that!" His eyes widen as he stays silent. "I don't know what you imply Rangiku." Rangiku smirks "come on, you seriously think I haven't caught you guys kissing in your office countless times." "Y-you knew!?" "Yup! You got yourself a fine lady Captain! The most beautiful and loved girl here!...although that can also be risky." He raises a brow "how so?" "Since no one knows of your relationship, anyone can easily try and take her away~ but at least you've gotten it on with her right?" Toshiro is confused but quickly realized what she means and turns away making her gasp. "Oh my! She will surely leave you! Come on Captain you're old enough to make her your woman!" He stutters making his way to his office shutting the door and face palming. He's thought about doing that, but he's never talked about it with you.

He didn't want you to feel like you were forced, he's decided to wait until the right time.

You were walking towards Toshiro's place, you and him had planned to hang out tonight. While you approached his residence, you saw Captain Byakuya and bowed respectfully while he stopped to acknowledge you. "What are you doing out so late?" You narrow your eyes "what's this, is the silent Captain really worrying about me~." You tease as he somewhat smiles. "You know I always will." You look down "well you no longer have to I-" you were cut off as Toshiro came and grabbed your arm taking you away. "Sorry, but she has me now." He says glaring taking you in the residence to his room.

When he closes the door he begins to kiss your neck roughly. You were surprised while trying to suppress a moan. "Sh-Shiro..." He pulls you on to the bed leaving love bites on your bare shoulder, painful but pleasure too. Everytime he touched you it made your body hotter. He pulled away to look at you in the eyes. "I-I can't hold back." He says while panting, this made you nod letting him know you were okay with it, either way you wanted it too.

You were now both on the bed naked while Toshiro was hovering over you. He looked to be hesitating but you held his face gently, "It's okay Toshiro." He smiles before carefully inserting you. You threw your head back at the pleasure. He kept thrusting for awhile, slaps of skin and moans can be heard throughout the room. You and him were soon close, "sh-Shiro!" You shouted one lasted time before you both released.

He layed next to you and began playing with your hair. "(Y/N) you want to go back with him..." You looked at him worriedly and shook your head fast. "No Toshiro! I love you now, I swear he's nothing but the past..." He nods kissing you gently. He pulls away resting his head in the crook of your neck making you smile. "Tomorrow I am announcing you as mine..." You giggle as you both fall asleep anticipating for everyone to know of your relationship.

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