Shinji x Reader

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"Oi, stop that (Y/N)." Shinji grumbled for the thousandth time. You only giggle as you continued to braid your boyfriend's beautiful long blonde hair. "But your hair is so long and beautiful." You couldn't see but he had a blush tinting his cheeks, in truth he absolutely loved it when you played with his hair; it made him feel at ease.

"Tch. You can't even do your own hair. You're really pathetic!" Shinji grows an irk mark glaring towards Hiyori. "Shut up you damn brat!" You only sweat dropped as the two continued arguing away, finally having enough you grab Shinji's cheek pinching it hard. "Ah-Ow! (Y/N) why me!" "Come on, you're the grown up here. Stop acting so childish." He was about to start ranting when you smashed your lips against his and he kissed back with as much passion. You both separated when you heard a gag noise coming from Hiyori. You only gave her a cheeky smile as Shinji stuck out his tongue at her. Your fun was interrupted when your captain Kensei hollered at you to follow him quickly. You turn to kiss Shinji one last time "I'll be back love." He nods and smiles after you leave, awaiting for your return.

Shinji stared at his reflection emotionless. He finished snipping the last long strand of his hair, he stared at his now short hair.

"Your hair is so long and beautiful."

He grit his teeth at the memory and ended up punching the wall. He silently cried while sobbing your name out. "...(Y/N), why'd you have to go!!" He kept punching the wall with anger. Kensei and Hiyori came and tried to restrain him, they finally decided to knock him out, Kensei carries him as he sighs. "Kensei, how do we help him?" Hiyori said with a serious face, he only stares at the ground. "We can't. He has to cope with his own self right now, whatever we do or say he won't listen to us. One thing is for sure... I will always blame myself for Shinji's suffering. After all... I couldn't save the love of his life while she was there fighting along my side." With that he huffs walking out of Shinji's estate and on to his. Hiyori looks at a photo of you and Shinji smiling. She can't help but slip a tear of sadness. "Please help Shinji get over this, make him strong." She walks out as well vowing to avenge you and kill the hollow that ended your life.

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