Uryu x Reader

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You pulled the ends of your short hair in frustration, cursing mentally. You, a tomboy, the most unlikely girl to be going through this, who wouldn't even think of doing such things. But like every other girl, you had needs, and too bad that you were one of the few that even with all the protection managed to get...pregnant. Groaning you lay back onto the floor while looking up into the sky. You were currently ditching class today afraid to even look at Uryu...you didn't really think that he would take the news very well, you guys are only high school students after all.

"Psh, who cares if he doesn't want it. I'll be a kick ass single mother." your confidence soon dropped when you thought about not having Uryu in your life anymore, you really love him. He was intelligent, caring, nerdy, wifey-material, and not to mention hot. You face palm, 'no, these exact thoughts are what caused this in the first place!' you thought blushing. Suddenly the door to the roof opened making you jump up, you must have missed the lunch bell, your eyes came in contact with your twin sister Orihime, her eyes widened "I knew you came to school today!" she shouted triumphly, you sweatdrop "Orihime...of course you did...I came with you this morning." She giggles "Oh yeah! Well everyone was worried why are you missing class!" she says shaking your shoulders. You sigh deeply and were about to answer your sister with the truth until all your group of friends came through the door to eat, that meaning including your boyfriend Uryu. This made you nervous causing your palms to start sweating. "(Y/N)! How many times have I told you not to ditch class! You could fail!" you gulp "S-sorry! I accidently fell asleep haha... No if you excuse me i have to head to the girls room!" you make a dash out of there leaving them all confused though Uryu suspected something was wrong and chased after you.

You take a deep breath walking down the hall 'im safe for now.' you think until your arm was gripped and yanked causing you to be in a room with none other than Uryu. "Damnit Uryu!" "What is with you today?" "Nothing, im totally fine!" he stares at you "can't I just be left alone!" you push his chest, he catches your arm. "You only act this rebellious towards me when something is bothering you. Now tell me what!" you stare in his eyes and then look down feeling ashamed all of a sudden. He hugs you and you cherish the feeling, fearing that you may never feel it again. "I'm- ugh. Im pregnant you damn nerd! You got me pregnant!" you pull away and like you expected, Uryu had shock written all over him. "I-its okay, you dont have to stay with me." you look down. "I can be a good mother, and I wont resent you or anything because you would have left me with a precious gift that I got from you-" you were cut off by lips on yours. It lasted a bit and when he pulled away he wiped the tears from your eyes.

"(Y/N), I would never leave you. Sure we are still in high school but I knew the consequences when I decided t-to make love with you." he says blushing, making you blush too. "And besides...I'll be a good father and always be there, unlike my own." you smile gently at him and take his hand. "I love you Uryu." "I love you too." he says pushing his glasses up with a red face. You laugh and both walk back to your friends who were shocked but happy for you guys none the less.

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