Chapter 2: As Good As It Gets

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      Butcher's Insurance Company in downtown Houston was huge! It was the tallest glass building in Houston. He handled loans, coverage, insurance, e.t.c. Everyone in the buildings were dressed in suits, dresses, and name brands. This was the reason i myself went home to change my outfit. I had pulled my twists into a high bun, put in diamond studs, slipped into a Beige and lace form fitting peplum dress by J.Crew that made my curves pop, and finally some nude red bottom Louboutin heels. My mother had taught me simply how to wear heels since i was young. 

       Never did i want to be that bitch who walked around stumbling her ass off like an idiot, trying to look cute. When we walked into the office one of the women at the desk immediately jetted over to us. "Mr.Miller, its been a while do you have an appointment to see Mr.B?" The young white girl followed us all the way to the glass elevator. I thought it was really nice that you could see out but people couldn't see in the elevator. My Uncle pressed the button and grimaced at the poor shaking girl. "I suggest you leave him alone, Olivia," I said remembering her name from the gold slate that sat on her desk. Her face paled and i gave her a wink before getting on the elevator.

       "More like your mother everyday," my uncle smiled briefly. My mother had been his sister and his best friend. Before she married his partner, my father, they were a pair. After my mother became partners with my father, my uncle began to work as a trainer, him having trust issues or what not. "And your still the same old hard head that wants to silence people with a look," I smiled. "Its worked so far," he chuckled. The elevator beeped and breezed open to a very handsome guy. He was fine in the face and cocky in his suit. It was obviously name brand probably specially made even. He looked down at me with smoldering dark brown eyes.

           I gave a quick smile to him and a guy he was walking with before moving past them both. Even in my 5 inch heels he was taller than me. I wanted to look back and get a second glance, or even see if he was looking at my ass, but business came first. I held my head high as my uncle introduced me to Butcher's head secretary who was also one of his female companions. She was a beautiful Latina, who looked me over and tried to hide the jealousy on her face. She pressed the buzzer and waited for an answer. "What!" "You have some Millers here to see you, should i send them in or make an appointment?" She gave us a weak grin that really annoyed me. I hated fakers, to me it was better to just hide your emotions than fake them.

            "Send him in," Butcher said. "And the girl?" "There's a girl? Well... if shes with him send her in as well," he said unenthusiastic. She showed us into his office and then left us to handle business. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw me. "My goodness you have got to be the daughter of the beautiful Jazmine Miller! Last time i saw you though, you were much rounder, now its in all of the right places," he said looking over me like a meal. It was true that up until the age of 14 i was a bit overweight, but as soon as i started working out with my mother the weight started sliding off until i was thick in all the right places, but my losing weight came with consequences.

          Back then i had my first boyfriend who treated me like gold even though i was fat. He loved me from my twisted hair, to my love handles, down to my wide feet. He was my first everything. My first love, my first kiss, and my first lover. We were together until i lost so much weight and started looking good enough for other guys to notice me. Whenever we'd go out he'd get jealous and take me home until finally he started trying to make me eat more and stop working out, accusing me of being a hoe, and never wanting to be near me anymore. Finally at our graduation i broke it off and told him he was an idiot for losing out. We haven't talked since and i don't regret losing the weight. 

       Until this day i haven't been with another guy, just because of the simple fact that no guy was appeasing to me. All of them would sweet talk you instead of keeping it real, and i don't have time for that other shit. 

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