Chapter 17: Now Husband and Wife

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   "Stop whining, Jamie no matter what you do or say it's just pre-wedding jitters. You know how much I wish I could be getting married, well not in a courthouse, but you know what I mean," Roselita said. She was standing over me pinning my hair and making sure the ends stayed curled. To bad she didn't know I was forced into this, she'd probably hate Butcher as much as the people that know about this facade. "I'm just surprised Leonardo is taking this so well, especially since he was the one that first caught you two together." I just nodded. Truth was I think Leo was just happy what we had is, what he thinks is legit. He has problems with guys trying to sleep with us, not committing to us I'm sure. After breakfast this morning he had given me the tightest hug ever in the world, it nearly broke my back.

        "There, it's perfect," Roselita gushed. I looked in the mirror at how my hair did look great. It was curly and all pushed to one side, with a Mohawk type hump at the top and my soft curls pushed down and wavy looking on the sides. "You did good lollipop," I said getting up to see her eyes watering. "Are you about to cry," I ask? "Yeah! Now I have to share my honey bun!," She sniffled. "If he fucks up, I'm still here," she cried embracing me, but I couldn't hold in my laughter. "Girl, you sound so fruity right now." She laughed so hard she cried even more. 

      A knock on the door interrupted us. Roselita's mom, Esmeralda and Yolanda came in with my fat baby, Miguel. I rushed over to his open arms and kissed his soft cheeks. "The guys aren't back yet, who did you say they went to pick up," Yolanda asked? She walked over to my vanity chair and took a seat rubbing her knees. "Rico's business partner, Butcher," I answered bitterly. I smiled at Esmeralda who came over adjusting my White Hermes dress. It had 3 inch slits on each sides and stopped a little above the knee. The top was looser than the form fitting bottom with long sleeves and none of my chest was out today. It covered the white muscle shirt I had on underneath. I still had to go to training, both me and my uncle would be a little late. My Uncle would be signing the marriage license as my witness.

       Yolanda had decided for us that we'd still be dressing business/casual at least the family, me and Rico had to dress in something formal. She said since we were so last minute she needed some proof that our commitment was worthwhile. Like I said, it feels like I've got two more parents to make decisions for me. "Give me my baby," Roselita smiled walking over to me, "Between you, Yolanda, my mom, and Mario I haven't  been able to hold my own baby since Saturday." I chuckled and watched him look at her green sequined, and glitter dress. Miguel was in a baby blue button up, navy blue sweater vest, and black jeans. His outfit didn't matter though he was completely fascinated with his mother's outfit. I took this time to go put on my jewelry and make-up. Just a light pink gloss, and a curl of my lashes would do it. 

      "At least you'll look good at your funky-dunky wedding," Yolanda smiled admiring my appearance. She looked down at her diamond watch. How much did we pay her? "Esmeralda, hun go check and see if those boys are here or not yet. We don't have all day, Jamie's messy ass is wearing white. She don't stay clean forever." I cocked my head on that outburst. One time when I was 14 I got a freshly made yellow dress dirty, and she couldn't got the stain out so she'd called me messy ever since. This woman was legit going to kill me before the day ended. I picked up my nude Mulberry handbag, and walked into my closet for my Giuseppe Zanotti nude 6 inch heels. It was a damn shame that all the guys would still be taller than me. Leo and my Uncle Will were 6'2, and Rico, Mario, and Royce were all 6'4. Where were these mutant babies coming from? 

        Esmeralda was back after I came out of the closet. "The guys are outside lining up the three cars were taking. "Rico's business partner has his own town car," Esmeralda gushed. She never grew up with money, she knew struggle from the day she was born until when Leo started hustling. She was still amazed by expensive, gestures and things. "Well lets get out of here before I get stiff. I'm riding with you and Esmeralda, Roselita," Yolanda said getting up. Rose groaned and I got the first good news today. "I'll be right there," I told the three of them. "Don't you stay in here too long, or try to escape through a window," Yolanda continued before walking out. Rose turned and rolled her eyes. I laughed as they walked out and left me.

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