Chapter 28: Truth Comes Out

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             Walking back into my crowded living room, I headed straight for the love seat, where Rico, Mario, Roselita and Miguel were. My apartment never was big to begin with but it was the only place not being watched by Brian's rookies. Rico and I had been back home for a few days now.Thanks to Tajary helping us out, getting back to Texas had been an easy task as well as getting rid of those bodies. Me and Rico had been keeping a low profile and staying inside for the most part. I didn't mind though, just chilling with my baby has been a great experience and we've been finding out more about each other. Rico was so commanding and goofy, yet thoughtful. Once again I was left wondering if his ass was bipolar. I took a seat on Rico's lap and his arms instantly wrapped back around me. I held my glass coke bottle out for him to open, and he looked at me like I was insane. "Open please," I smile cheesily with a small pout. His eyes were filled with amusement even though he didn't laugh. In the end he opened it. "Your ass is too spoiled," he said wrapping his arms right under my breast. "Your boobs getting bigger," he whispered kissing my neck. My cheeks got so hot, and I looked up hopping eyes weren't on us.

          In my living room sat an attorney who worked for Butcher for many years. He was paid to tell us Butcher's dying wishes, which he'd already done. Most of his business' had been sold off, but we planned on buying them back along with the land we used for Machete training and the real estate he used for drugs. That selfish man had left no property for his son or female companions. He did leave money on the other hand, but the amount didn't add up to how much he should have after being in the game for as long as he's been. Even when he was dead he still played games with others, making shit hard when it didn't have to be. After the attorney we had Clint, my uncle Will, Leonardo and his old partner, a black guy named Ross who worked with Mario, Monica, Royce, and two other people Rico knew. I was still waiting for a guest I'd invited, who fortunate for us wasn't on Brian's radar. 

     "Once Brian is out of the way, you will all be the top buyers," Edward, Butchers old Attorney said. Clint nodded and walked to my apartment door,"Thanks a lot. Remember stay on the low and if you feel like somebody is following you. Call Will's escort service and tell them you're looking for coverage. That's our code word, other than that be safe out there and we'll hook up for business again when all this shit has played out." Edward nodded in understanding before taking his leave and excusing himself. 

         My mind snapped away from business when one of Rico's hands swept across my soar nipples. "My bad," he chuckled softly before I elbowed him. Clint went back to standing next to my Uncle who was sitting in my lounge chair in deep thought. He didn't even flinch when someone lightly tapped at the door. Slapping Rico's creeping ass hand off my side I got up, hoping it was my guest. It was! I opened the door for Frazier, and gave her a hug as she came in looking more gorgeous then the last time i'd seen her. "What's up," she smiled hugging me back. "Nothing just waiting on you so you could let your father and brother know what's up," I said releasing her and letting her walk ahead of me to the living room. As soon as we walked in, all eyes were on us. Royce immediately hopped up and pulled her thick body into his arms picking her up in a hug, laying claim to his woman! That didn't stop those dogs from having roaming eyes though.

         Shit, these niggas was so thirsty! It's like we weren't here for business. The guy named, Ross got told something by Rico earlier when he was starring too hard at me. He fell back instantly but now his eyes were else where. Women were always a man's weakness. 

         I shook my head and went back to my seat on Rico's lap. "Everyone this is my guest, Frazier. She is the daughter of Barbaro, New York's Cuban drug lord, who agreed to help us with our little problem so we can all get back to making money. She's going to be taking her father's place because they have their own lil something to take care of at home. I hope you guys don't mind," I said the last part sarcastically. Them niggas was shaking their heads no, like she wasn't sitting on her niggas lap. "Okay well I guess we can get started," I told my uncle Will. Rico loosened his grip on my waist to sit forward and pay attention I'm sure. All eyes fell on the two old heads.

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